Extra Curricular Club Please have this up on the board as students walk in! 1
Greeting Task During the register, silently think about your response to this question: If you won the lottery on Saturday, what would you do with the money?
Rally Robin Make sure you listen to your partner because you will be feeding back their answers to the class! Pairs – turn to face each other. Each person will tell the other what they would do with the money eg buy a dog, buy a tennis court, buy my brother a house etc 3
Get ready to feedback at least one thing your partner told you! Time is up! Get ready to feedback at least one thing your partner told you!
What would these people say? Class discussion. Opportunity to explain your expectations during discussions. What is the difference between what the students would do with an unexpected win and what these refugees would do with an unexpected win? Why is that? 7
Learning Objective Usually you would be asked to write the LO in your books as your title…. In today’s lesson however, I would like you to guess what the LO was at the end of the lesson… Green eRefs for correct answers! 8
Group Task: Scenario There is a new government in Southampton. They want to ensure all young people are provided with the basic things they want and need.
Skills of discussion Set yourself a target – which one thing will you try to do in the discussion to help you to improve your discussion skills? Help group to reach a solution Make a suggestion Listen to others Build on what has been said Persuade others
Discussion activity 1. Look at the cards: These are the things the new government are considering including. 2. Discuss: Should they include any other things? Use post it notes to write down any extra things you think of. Make sure you all agree! 1 min 2 mins
News Flash! Discuss: Which 10 things are the most important? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TSJhIZmL0A There has been a budget cut You can only include 10 things for the young people in Southampton Discuss: Which 10 things are the most important? 12
How did you do? What was your earlier target? What do you need to do to improve on this? Help group to reach a solution Make a suggestion Listen to others Talk in pairs about how you are getting on with your target Ask 2 pupils what they have done and what they will do Build on what has been said Persuade others 13
News Flash! Discuss: Which 5 things are the most important? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TSJhIZmL0A There has been a budget cut You can only include 5 things for the young people in Southampton Discuss: Which 5 things are the most important? 14
What did other governments include for their citizens? Summit Meeting What did other governments include for their citizens? Government Summit Meeting Each group now moves to the next table in rotation to see what other governments have decided to include for their citizens. Once they are back to their original places, take feedback on what they noticed was similar and different about things other groups included – why might this be. Ask groups to justify whythey included certain things. How did they decide? Students are hopefully talking now about differences between wants and needs. Link to discussion skills – what was tricky? Did some people dominate etc? 15
What might the mystery learning objective have been? LO: To understand the difference between a want and a need. 16
What is the difference between a want and a need? Write a full sentence in your books to explain this. You could start with: The difference between a want and a need is…… this is because……… 17
Get creative and create an Religion inspired cover for your book. House Competition Alert! Get creative and create an Religion inspired cover for your book. The winning entry will receive LOADS of House Points!!!! Discuss what this could involve with the class – famous religious people, quotes, symbols. This is an optional home work but encourage students to complete the task to gain points for their house – every entry you receive you could give a Gold eRef to as well. Deadline – your lesson nearest to 29th September 2017. Advise students that they can buy sticky back plastic in lots of shops such as Tesco, Sainsburys, Hobbycraft. They might like to group together and buy a roll between them. * House Competition * House Competition * House Competition * House Competition * * House Competition * House Competition * 18