EFGS 2017 Co-hosted by OSi and CSO Ireland Dates Nov 2nd - 3rd 2017 (TWO Days) Venue Dublin Castle
EFGS 2017 venue Dublin Castle
CSO-Osi Memorandum of Understanding Both organisations will work together to develop a technical solution to fulfil Ireland’s reporting responsibilities under the United Nations 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development Develop dissemination channels with a specific focus on the visualisation of official statistics Agree common geographies, creating common geo spatial identifiers (URIs) and publish certain boundaries and all aggregated data in machine readable format (Open data, Linked data) Represent the State at international level on matters relating to mapping and geospatial information, particularly in the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM)
Further expressions of interest Census 2020 geography INSPIRE Big data and Environmental geostatistics Best practice examples of integrating geography with official statistics Website: Available at end of April
? Any questions dermot.corcoran@cso.ie