Multiply or Divide by 10s and 100s – Objectives Objective: Multiply by multiples of 10 and by 100, e.g. 6 x 40 and 600 x 4 You will need: maths books or mini whiteboards; to run the file as a slideshow to reveal strategies sequentially. © Hamilton Trust Keeping Up Term 1 Optional Week 1 Day 2
Multiply or Divide by 10s and 100s Practise facts for the 7x table... – Direct Teaching 7 14 7 14 28 42 63 49 70 21 35 56 Practise facts for the 7x table... x2 x1 x4 x8 x6 x5 x9 Use animation to reveal answers. x3 x7 x10 © Hamilton Trust Keeping Up Term 1 Optional Week 1 Day 2
Multiply or Divide by 10s and 100s – Direct Teaching 70 70 490 140 700 350 630 420 560 210 280 Now, what about the 70x table... x7 x4 x2 x8 x10 x3 x5 Use animation to reveal answers. x8 x9 Simple! x6 © Hamilton Trust Keeping Up Term 1 Optional Week 1 Day 2
Multiply or Divide by 10s and 100s Can you predict what will happen – Direct Teaching 4 x 700 = 2800 700 x 9 = 6300 700 x 7 = 4900 5600 8 x 700 = Use animation to reveal answers. Refer back to the Place Value grid from the previous session if students are struggling to slide digits to the left to multiply by powers of 10. Can you predict what will happen when we multiply by 700...? © Hamilton Trust Keeping Up Term 1 Optional Week 1 Day 2
Multiply or Divide by 10s and 100s – Student Activity With a partner, decide on a rule to explain multiplying by multiples of 10 and 100. Pairs jot ideas into back of books or on mini-whiteboards. Write it down… © Hamilton Trust Keeping Up Term 1 Optional Week 1 Day 2
Multiply or Divide by 10s and 100s – Individual Practice Choose one wheel to work your way around. If you finish, do the other too! 800x 50x Students may sketch ‘dials’ into books, or work on printed copies (see slide 7 for copy-master). Watch out for students who do not know their multiplication facts well enough to use them efficiently for multiplication (and division). © Hamilton Trust Keeping Up Term 1 Optional Week 1 Day 2
Multiply or Divide by 10s and 100s – Handout x x Master copy