Workforce Performance Report November 2016 Mike McEnaney Director of Finance
Temporary Staffing Spend There is a lag of approximately one month in agency spend due to reporting from invoicing compared to Bank, Therefore October’s spend was used in September and the decrease is reflective of moving out of the August holiday season. Agency spend fell in all staffing groups in October with the exception of Additional Clinical Services. NHSI agency overrides peaked and then fell in October, work is continuing on the procurement of the new agency framework which should be complete by December for all medical and clinical staffing groups. Bank spend increased to its second highest level. this year. This Month: 11.68% £2.105m Last Month: 12.42% £2.282m Last Year: 10.98% £1.980m Reduction Reduction
Temporary Staffing Spend Temporary Staffing , especially agency spend increased significantly in the Adults directorate, however fell in Children & Young People and Older Peoples. The agency hours filled through the bank in October increased and is reflective of the new units added to the system which have lines of agency work. there are 132 workers engaged on lines of work (for longer periods to cover vacancies etc.) The top contributors to agency spend, which is 97.3% above the NHSI ceiling, are, SWB CAMHS medical, Witney Linfoot CH, Abingdon Ward 1 CH, Podiatry service, Allen Ward, Bucks North & South Treatment AMHT, Highfield and Marlborough House Swindon.
Vacancy The Vacancy rate has fallen below the 9.0% target for the second time in the year. The decrease to 7.6% in October from a value of 9.3% in September was driven largely by the TUPE out of the Reablement Service from the Locality Team (C&NE) within the Older People’s Directorate. However, Adult (10.0% ), Older Peoples (11.8%) and Corporate (13.0%) still remain over target. Target: 9.00% This Month: 7.60% Last Month: 9.30% Last Year: 9.79%
Sickness Sickness has moved above target to 3.83% in October after a significant decline in September. The increase is driven by the number of short-term sickness episodes following the summer holidays experienced across all Directorates. Next month should see an improvement in the sickness rate as the high volume of long-term sickness in the Reablement Service are factored out due to TUPE. Target: 3.50% This Month: 3.83% Last Month: 3.40% Last Year: 3.97%
Turnover The Turnover figure has increased slightly to 14.53% in October. All Directorates except Adult Services contributed to the increase. The highest rates of turnover are in Research & Development (35.67%), Psychological Therapies (21.37%) and Human Resources (19.17%). Target: 12.00% This Month: 14.53% Last Month: 14.02% Last Year: 13.56%
Recruitment Report Directorate: Vacancies being recruited to Advertisement & Interview Total at offer Of which Live on NHS Jobs/ at advert At Shortlist Interview Arranged Awaiting interview outcome Being checked Checks cleared Start date agreed Adult Services 278 118 24 17 25 94 28 39 27 Children and Young People 132 46 12 22 40 23 Corporate 69 13 10 5 9 32 20 7 Older People 234 83 19 80 21 Vacancy Summary Totals 713 260 70 63 74 246 95 82 %age at each stage 100% 36.5% 9.8% 8.8% 10.4% 34.5% OOH GP 30 Staffing Solutions 14 Apprentices 4 Grand Total: 714 320 92 96
Schedule of recruitment events 2016 Job fairs and career events Date and times Event Venue Organiser Target attendees Service reps 15th November 2016 Health Science Careers Fair Highfield Campus, Southampton University Southampton University 3rd year health students George Larbi Rachel Cootes, Eating Disorders Sarah Irvine, CAMHS Julie Fulea, Older People’s Mental Health Christin Ah-Thion, Adult Mental Health Anita Cupper, Community Hospitals Caroline Griffiths, AHP Clinical Lead 25th November 2016 Health Care Careers Fair Buckinghamshire New University High Wycombe Campus, Queen Alexandra Road, High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP11 2JZ Jillian Jacobs, Bucks New University Serena Brooke Nilam Patel, Adult Mental Health Jane Plummer, CAMHS Helen Ayres, Forensic Mental Health
Schedule of recruitment events 2017Job fairs and career events Date and times Event Venue Organiser Target attendees Service reps 11th January 2017 Healthcare Employment Fair Luton Campus – PostGraduate Centre University of Bedfordshire Nursing, Midwifery, ODP and Paramedic Science students 4 attendees max Lisa Masih Anita Cupper 12th January 2017 Careers evening The Warriner School, Bloxham Nigel Smith Young people in years 10, 12 & 13 or ages 15-18 years Sophie Grimshaw 17th January 2017 Careers Day Joel Joffe Building, Swindon Campus Oxford Brookes Adult Nurses 19th January 2017 Larkmead School, Abingdon Claire Christiansen, Larkmead School Rona Hickman Heather Daw Careers Convention Cherwell School, Oxford Joanne Clark Years 9-13 Di Woodward Rosie Shepherd January 2017 Employment fair Brookes University Will send us more info 1st February 2017 Oxfordshire Careers Fest BMW Mini Plant, Oxford Oxfordshire LEP Students in year 10 & 11 attending a Oxfordshire school or college Trish Tipton Ethan Baddeley 2nd February 2017 Serena Brooke 15th February 2017 Nursing fair Bournemouth University Application form Sent
WRES 2016 Indicator 2015 WRES Agreed action Plan Update Relative likelihood of staff entering the formal disciplinary process, as measured by entry into a formal disciplinary investigation. Relative likelihood of BME staff entering disciplinary process compared to White staff: 4.64 times greater Extended session on Equality at Trust induction Introduction of Unconscious Bias training. Preliminary review at the earliest possible stage of any disciplinary process to ascertain if there are cultural issues that could be addressed outside the formal procedure. Arrangements being made to pilot this in Forensic Service. In Jan 2017. It will then go to LAG. This preliminary review requires further “bedding in” in HR and arrangements are in place for this. Relative likelihood of staff accessing non-mandatory training and CPD. Relative likelihood of White staff accessing non-mandatory training compare to BME staff: 1.18 times greater Action for L&D to review in 2016 Helen Green reviewing but believes that ethnicity is not known by L&D
WRES 2016 Indicator 2015 WRES Agreed action Plan Update %age of staff experiencing bullying from patients , relatives White: 28.67% BME: 27.35% Line managers to continue to address concerns locally. Plans to set up network of ‘Fair Treatment at Work’ Facilitators under way. Fair Treatment Facilitator training completed 17 October 2016. %age of staff experiencing bullying from staff White: 22.98% BME: 26.87% Line managers to continue to address concerns locally. A toolkit to allow managers to work with teams to address issues of local concern arising from staff survey has been implemented and feedback requested in September 2016 in the form of "You Said...We Did" Plans to set up network of ‘Fair Treatment at Work’ Facilitators under way. Mixed response from Directorates re Staff Survey Action Planning. 2016 Staff Survey launched – review results once available. Fair Treatment Facilitator training completed October 2016 %age of staff believing the Trust provides equal opportunities White: 88.8% BME: 70.51%
WRES 2016 Indicator 2015 WRES Agreed action Plan Update %age of staff experiencing discrimination at work White: 6.12% BME: 16.37% As above, line managers to continue to address concerns locally. A toolkit to allow managers to work with teams to address issues of local concern arising from staff survey is available. Plans to set up network of ‘Fair Treatment at Work’ Facilitators under way. E&D Lead in conjunction with HR and L&D will explore options for schemes to coach, mentor and provide shadowing opportunities at work to support the career advancement of staff from BME backgrounds. As above, mixed response from Directorates re Staff Survey Action Planning. Training completed in October 2016. Mo Patel commencing discussions with BME staff on Directorate basis. Starting in Forensic Services (Nov and Dec 2016). Percentage difference between the organisations’ Board voting membership and its overall workforce. -14.3
WRES 2016 Indicator 2015 WRES Agreed action Plan Update %age of staff experiencing discrimination at work (continued) Percentage difference between the organisations’ Board voting membership and its overall workforce. -14.3 E&D Lead to explore options for WRES Roadshow/ event during Black History Month Board to consider options to increase diversity (Associate Director role) October 2016 - Trust celebrated its rich cultural diversity by marking Black History Month for the first time with events at Whiteleaf (11 staff members participated) and LMHC (20 staff members participated). Good feedback and considering plans to repeat annually. November 2016- Remuneration and Nomination Committee of the Council of Governors met to discuss succession planning in connection with NED departures on the Board in 2017 and early 2018. The concept of the associate director role was supported in principle with further clarity being required about the role before it could be progressed further. It was agreed that the priority should be to address the equality imbalance on the Board amongst voting directors, and that the recruitment process should include robust efforts to attract candidates from BME groups Percentage difference between the organisations’ Board voting membership and its overall workforce. -14.3