Network Management Workshop Welcome Network Management Workshop APRICOT 2009 18-22 February 2009 Instructor Team Hervey Allen, Phil Regnauld, Chris Evans
Some Details Schedule Instructors Hervey Allen Phil Regnauld Session I: 0830- break Session II Lunch Session III Session IV Instructors Hervey Allen - Network Startup Resource Center - Chile/USA: English/Spanish/German Phil Regnauld - Denmark/France: English/French/Danish Chris Evans (assisting) - Delta Risk/ICANN - USA: English
During the Week All materials – Presentations, exercises, sample installs, configurations, etc. are available on the classroom NOC: http://noc/ Your machines root password and install password for all software will be the same and is given in class. Please don't change this! We encourage and really enjoy questions.
Our Network
After this Week All materials from this class will be available at; Presentations, exercises and configurations from this workshop and many others are available on the ISOC Workshop Resource Centre: Thanks go to O'Reilly Media ( for the books received this week.