Culture Theoretical Analysis
Functionalist Perspectives
Explain the function and dysfunctions related to culture that can be found in societies. Culture acts as the glue that holds a group of people together Helps people meet biological needs (food, procreation) Instrumental needs (law, education) Integrative needs (religion, art) Common language and common core values= harmony Dysfunction Discord from subcultures due to lack of consensus re: core values Some aspects of culture may conflict with a societal core values (ex: glorification of crime in movies)
What are the strengths and weakness of this perspective when it is applied to culture? Strength= focuses on the needs of the society and stability for society’s survival Weakness= overemphasis on cooperation and harmony (does not account for class based problems, racial and gender inequity)
Conflict Perspectives
How does a conflict theorist view culture in relation to power struggles in society? Values and norms in culture create and sustain positions of the powerful and exclude others Use of ideology (non-material culture) to maintain dominance
We believe we need these things that we might not ordinarily purchase According to some conflict theorists culture has become a product or service. Explain. Popular culture has been removed from average people and become part of capitalist society Big business create pop culture deliberately to profit- intense marketing We believe we need these things that we might not ordinarily purchase
What is meant by the term symbolic capital (Pierre Bourdieu) What is meant by the term symbolic capital (Pierre Bourdieu)? Write an explanation in your own words. Public trust given to a company that has acquired an image of respectability ie: Walt Disney Company and family values Because the company has “symbolic capital” people believe the product they sell must be of a high standard
Explain how culture can perpetuate social inequalities. Popular cultural images are often linked to stereotypes ie: Black Women (Aunt Jemima- Black women depicted as mammies or domestic servants)
Symbolic Interactionist Perspectives
What value does culture offer individuals according to the perspective of a symbolic interactionist? Symbols make communication easier as they provide shared meanings
Explain what Georg Simmel meant when he said that people can come to be controlled by their culture. Money is the example used Initially it was created as a means of exchange Over time it came to represent social status/ relative worth linked to material culture and individuals Celebrity culture is a great example
What is a weakness of this perspective when applied to culture? Does not offer a systematic framework to analyze how we shape culture and how it shapes us Does not explain how shared meanings are developed Fails to consider large social structures
Postmodern Perspectives
Postmodernists believe we should speak of cultures rather than culture Why do many Postmodernists believe that our concept of culture is Eurocentric? Based on the idea that many see Western or European culture as the “true, universal culture” Postmodernists believe we should speak of cultures rather than culture
What does Jean Baudrillard mean by hyperreality? Baudrillard believes social life simulates reality We seek information from cyberspace or the media The simulation of reality is more real than reality itself
Do you agree that Postmodernism applied to culture is overly pessimistic? Why or why not?