Questionnaire results Alice Murray
In this we can gather that I asked more males than females In this we can gather that I asked more males than females. This may make the results vary and biased as more males have been asked.
Most people I asked were between the age 17 to 18.
The third question I asked is how long my audience spend playing the this game a week, most people said at least either 1 to 2 hours or 3 to 4.
I also asked when they play the game, my results show that they mainly play on weekends or both weekends and weekdays but mainly weekends.
For my fourth question, I asked my audience if they thought playing online is a good way of making friends, for this result I got 4 out of the 5 people I asked said no its not.
This pie chart shows 60% of people said they feel the violence shown in the game is real and 40% say they don’t think it is. So overall a majority of the people think it is real which shows this may be the cause of people taking the violence form the game and using it in real life.
Overall for this question most people said no they do not get frustrated if they are not successful at the game, however two said yes which could possibly show that frustration may lead to violence.
Four out of the five people for this question said yes they do think the characters/scenes and setting in this game are portrayed like it is in the real world. This shows how realistic the game is.
For my last question, I asked if they felt this game makes them feel angry/aggressive and everyone said no it doesn’t.