Revelation Part 4 Lesson 4.


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Presentation transcript:

Revelation Part 4 Lesson 4

Review of Antichrist Spirit of antichrist is already in the world False teachers are part of the spirit of antichrist There are many antichrists but only ONE Antichrist who is coming and he is the beast of Rev. 11-19 He comes at the 7th trumpet when he kills the 2 witnesses He will then rule the world for 3 ½ years The world will be deceived into worshipping him Jesus’ 2nd coming puts an end to his reign He will be thrown into the Lake of Fire

Daniel 7 He is called a “little horn” vs. 8 The fourth beast IS his kingdom because he comes up OUT of him vs. 8 Kings = kingdoms “a little one, came up among them” (the 10 horns) Three of the first horns were pulled out by the roots before it, and behold, this horn possessed eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth uttering great boasts That kingdom/king is dreadful, terrifying and different than the others vs. 7, 23 Devours the whole earth, tramples, crushes, breaks He makes great boasts, speaks out against God Rev. 13:5-6

The little horn Causes three kings/kingdoms to fall vs. 20 He becomes the primary king among the 8 vs. 24 He will war with and overpower the saints for 3 ½ years vs. 25 Rev. 11:7 He will intend to make alterations in times and law vs. 25 Rev. 13:5, 7 His dominion will be taken away, destroyed forever vs 26 The beast, kingdom, is destroyed and given to the burning fire at the time when One like a Son of Man comes and is presented before the Ancient of Days Dan. 7:11, 13 Rev. 19:20

Daniel 9:24-27 The prince who is to come vs. 26 One who makes desolate vs. 27 Will be from the people who destroy Jerusalem and the sanctuary vs. 26 (Rome 70 AD) Makes a firm covenant with the many and the holy city (Jews and Jerusalem vs. 24) vs. 27 “Week” is literally “Seven” which probably refers to seven years vs. 24 Two witnesses prophesy for 3 ½ years IN JERUSALEM, then killed by the beast Rev. 11:7 Breaks covenant; ends their sacrifice and offerings vs. 27 “intends to makes alterations in times and law” 7:25?

Daniel 11:36-12:13 “At the appointed time the king will do as he pleases” vs. 36-37 Appointed time: 42 months – the time God gave him – that which is decreed will be done He is empowered by Satan Reference?????? Monstrous things vs. 36 Rev. 13:5 Dan. 7: 8,20 and 25 Exalts/magnifies himself above every god vs. 36 compare with 2 Thess. 2:3-4 He wants all to worship HIM, not God vs. 36 Parcels out land, for a price vs. 39 Jews are those that acknowledge him (some don’t vs. 35)

Daniel 11:35-12:13 Conflicts with king of the South: Egypt vs.40 Conflicts with king of the North: Syria vs. 40 Edom, Moab, Ammon (modern Jordan) and other countries are rescued from his hand vs. 41 Beautiful Land = Israel vs. 41 Rumors from East and North(Syria) disturb him and he goes with great wrath to destroy and annihilate vs. 44 the Devil has great wrath Rev. 12:12 Dan. 12:1 Now at that time = time of the Beast/king = last 3 ½ years of Great Tribulation Michael guards Israel Rev. 12:7-9 Time when dragon persecutes the woman Rev.12:17

Matthew 24 2 Thess. 2 Abomination of Desolation Matt. 24:15 Stands in the Holy place, same one Daniel spoke of Those in Judea must flee (could be Rev. 12:6) Man of Lawlessness, son of destruction, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan who has all power and signs and FALSE wonders… ALL the same person He is killed with the Lord’s breath at His coming vs. 8

Revelation 17:7-11 Beast has 7 heads and 10 horns vs. 7 7 heads = 7 mountains = 7 kings vs.9-10 5 kings, mountains, kingdoms have fallen vs. 10 Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media-Persia and Greece “1 is”: Rome ruled over Israel while John was alive and when Jesus came “1 has not yet come”: Possibly one like Rome because of Daniel 9:26 (from your people) Beast is an 8th kingdom/king and subdues 3 AND is one of the 7 and goes to destruction vs. 11 He’s THE Antichrist whose fatal wound is healed Head of the last kingdom before God’s kingdom

Mark 13 13:9 Be on your guard: blepo – suggests to see something physical, with spiritual results (perception). It carries what is seen into the non-physical realm so a person can take the needed action. 13:23,33 Same word 13:33 Keep on the alert: agrupneo – sleepless, wakeful, watchful, staying vigilant without any unnecessary time off. To be intent upon a thing. To exercise constant vigilance over something (an image drawn from shepherds). A term for wariness against spiritual dangers and beguilements.

Mark 13 13:37 Be on the alert: gregore – to take heed lest through remissness and indolence (avoidance of activity or exertion: laziness) some destructive calamity suddenly overtake one. “Denotes attention to God’s revelation or to the knowledge of salvation. A mindfulness of threatening dangers which, with conscious earnestness and an alert mind, keeps it from all drowsiness and all slackening in the energy of faith and conduct” Zod. Rev. 2:2-3 If you do not wake up, I will come like a thief….wake up – strengthen the things that remain Rev. 16:15 I am coming like a thief: blessed is the one who stays awake….