Early Years Foundation Stage Welcome Meeting September 2016
Today’s meeting Update you on what the children have been doing. Provide you with an outline of what to expect over the next few months. Phonics Tapestry Homework
The EYFS Team
Week 1 – What have we been doing? Settling into routines. Establishing class rules. Making new friends, learning how to co-operate and share. Finding out where things are and where they go. Playing – running, digging, riding on bikes, playing in the sand, looking for mini beasts, painting, sticking… Reception have had school dinners and been to assembly.
Over the next few weeks… We will continue to establish and support children in the routines. We will be taking time to get to know your child and your family. Setting homework – grid (Reception only), DB Primary and reading. Reading books will continue to be sent home twice a week in Reception. Nursery children can access story books from our library at your own leisure. Updating Learning Journeys and WOW books. In Reception phonics lessons will be introduced. All EYFS children will be learning through play (Reception will be more focussed in their play)
We will be providing you with weekly updates of your child’s learning journey. Most Reception and some parents will already have set up their own pass word to log onto Tapestry. Please check. Children new to the school – please provide us with an email address which you check regularly. Accounts will be activated in the next few weeks so please look out for the email and set up your password within a week. Please send us pictures of home activities too!
Phonics Teaching is based around ‘Letters and Sounds’ which sets out a systematic progression through phonemes (sounds) Daily phonics sessions Interactive, multi-sensory and fun Interactive teaching using software, practical games and activities.
Nursery Developing listening skills Developing an awareness of sounds – distinguishing between sounds in the environment and in words. Exploring and experimenting with sounds and words Discriminating speech sounds in words. Oral blending and segmenting Showing an awareness of rhythm, rhyme and alliteration Beginning introducing the sounds individual letters or a group of letters can make (phonemes) and how they are represented (graphemes)
Reception Learning the sounds individual letters or a group of letters can make (phonemes) and how they are represented (graphemes) Initially focusing on the sounds the individual letters of the alphabet make. Moving on to common combinations to letters that make 1 sound s h = sh e a r = ear Beginning to blend phonemes together for reading and segment words for spelling simple words both orally and in written form Beginning to read tricky key words on sight and begin to spell them. Using the correct formation of each lower case letter - correct starting point, sequence of movements and positioning on the line.
Pure sounds – sssss rather than suh long, stretchy sounds such as – aaaaaaa, fffffffffff, ssssssssss short, bouncy sounds – b b b, d d d, g g g
Reading Books Nursery – Reading Record book (Choice of story or non- fiction books) Reception – Reading Record book Reading scheme book. Nursery – as often as you want Reception – twice a week.
Homework! Choice of homework At your own pace Activities not meant to be onerous but set to provide various opportunities for your child to engage in the topic at home and give them a chance to show us what they can do! Nursery – half termly activities. DB Primary – school website. (Nursery beginning of November)
Please help us… We have just a few requests in Reception; Please school book bags – not rucksacks Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit (no designs on t- shirts other than school logo) Please ensure we have your collection/ password sheet returned to school. If you are aware of any changes, please take a new one. Please name everything! From both Nursery and Reception – Please no birthday cakes.
We are always available! Call school office Email Make an appointment Send a message in your child’s reading record book.
Thank you! Please sign the register so we know who we’ve missed! Please take a newsletter if you did not receive one.