Welcome to Reception!
Learning Heroes
Phonics Focus - Rhyming - Alliteration - Blending and segmenting - Introducing and writing letters S a t p i n Reading words Reading and writing captions Reading sentences and questions
Blending and Segmenting map m_a_p cat c_ a_ t hat h_a_t pan p_a_n
Introducing letters… ‘I spy’ Talking about names, places and objects beginning with… Cutting and sticking pictures beginning with the letter Tracing letters in the sand, water writing, walking the letter, tracing letters on our buddy’s backs
Blending and segmenting our high frequency words… Introducing high frequency words… Give them context Encourage your child to spot them in their reading books Include them in your blending and segmenting games
Reading Encourage your child to love to read… Share books Model Provide a variety of different reading genres Some suggested authors… Eric Carle Julia Donaldson Lauren Child Eileen Browne Jez Alborough
Discuss the features… Front cover Back cover Author Illustrator Title page Title Blurb
School reading books… Front cover “ Have you ever built a snowman?” Describe story setting, events and principle characters Predict ending Discuss alternative endings Compare plots and the feelings of characters with their own experiences Discuss the characters Story structure ‘Beginning’ ‘middle’ and ‘end’
Applying phonics through reading… Blending and segmenting… He put in milk He put in jam We, will, take, those, said, there, goes, they, put, the, and, got, in, don’t, could Fluency!
A few questions from last year… How often/ much should my child be reading? What questions should I be asking? My child has memorised the text, is that okay? Sometimes it’s a bit of a challenge to get him/ her to read, what can I do?