Better support, better options KA2 - Strategic partnership / School cooperation 05.09.2016 – 04.09.2018 Partners: Slovakia Slovenia Poland - coordinator
Partners Stredna odborna skola pre ziakov so sluchovym postihnutim, Bratislava - Slovakia Zakladna skola pre ziakov so sluchovym postihnutim internatna Viliama Ganu, Kremnica - Slovakia Zavod za gluhe in naglusne Ljubljana - Slovenia Specjalny Ośrodek Szkolno – Wychowawczy dla Niesłyszących im. Janusza Korczaka, Cracow - Poland Source:
The key objectives exchange of professional experience and good practices, creating materials and IT Tools supporting the process of career consulting for the Deaf and the Hearing Impaired, supporting the Deaf and HI graduates who currently live and work abroad or are going to do so in future.
Learning Teaching Trainings C1: Ljubljana, 10.2016 C2: Cracow, 05.2017 C3: Kremnica, 10.2017 C4: Bratislava, 05.2018
Project management meetings M1: Ljubljana, 10.2016 M2: Kremnica, 10.2017 M3: Bratislava, 06.2018
Promotion project logo selected in the international competition for students, information about the project at school websites, promotional leaflet/rollup/brochure and other promotional materials, different meetings (parent, professionals, educational centres).
Core results survey diagnosing occupational and the living situation of the graduates students migrating abroad, ‘The Manual for a Career Consultant for the Deaf and the Hearing Impaired’ The video that presents the most interesting forms of ongoing activities in the field of counseling video-guide ‘Carry on Signing’ made in sing languages, containing information for graduates students who are looking for a job abroad and look for possibilities of further education in Europe. open educational resources, containing all materials developed in the project.