MIGRATION By: Helena Aguilar, Lucía Gutiérrez, Lucía Martín, Nieves Montes 3ºESO C
Percentage of immigrants to Spain from total immigrants by area: →European Union: 24,8% →Rest of Europe: 3,1% →Africa: 2,9% →North America: 8,4% →South and Central America: 60,8%
Percentage of emigrants from Spain from total emigrants by destination: →European Union: 41,7% →Rest of Europe: 6,2% →North America: 12,1% →South and Central America: 46,1%
Flux map of Spain and how the migrations work.
Why people is coming to Spain? Old people when they are retired comes to Spain because, Spain is cheaper than other countries and they can live very well spending less money. People from Africa comes here beacuse, there are more opportunities to live better and find a job. People from Asia comes to Spain to run away from wars. Young people comes here because they want to learn about the culture.
Why people is moving from Spain? People from Spain usually moves to Europe, because the life level is higher than in Spain and there are more chances to find a job. Young people because they want to learn languages and more about other cultures, or because they want to get a degree. Because of personal reasons, like marry a person of another country.
Is Spanish population increasing or decreasing due to migrations? Spanish population is decreasing because there is more people that leaves the country than people that comes to the country. People that leaves Spain is usually young people that wants to study in another country to then have a better future and more chances to get a job.