NUMBER OF STUDENTS AGE: 15 – 18 years old AGE: 12 – 14 years old
What meals do you have during a day? It was noticed that a bigger number of students from the group representing Romania 2 takes the 6 daily meals, which is explained by the fact that they are younger than the group from Romania 1.
Do you have breakfast? The majority of students have breakfast, which is a healthy habit. Most of those from Romania 1 have breakfast home with their families, while those from Romania 2 have it alone.
If so, with whom?
Where do you have breakfast?
What do you usually eat? The students from the two schools have different tastes as far as breakfast is concerned. For Romania 1, in order of preference, we can mention: meat, fruit, croissants, milk, tea, coffee, cookies, cheese, and for Romania 2- cereal, milk, bread, tea, cheese, cookies, croissants and fruit.
OUR BREAKFAST Scrambled eggs with bacon Tea / Cocoa Cereal with milk -bread -butter -cucumber -salami -tomatoes -orange juice
Do you have a morning snack?
If so, what do you usually eat? As far as morning snacks are concerned, we noticed that a bigger number of students from Romania 2 has them every day, while students from Romania 1 seldom have them. There is a similarity between the two groups in terms of choices for morning snacks, as they both prefer sandwiches, fruit, chocolate, milk, cookies and crisps.
Do you have a snack in the afternoon?
If so, what do you usually eat? About afternoon snacks we can say that most students from Romania 1 have them occasionally, while a large number from Romania 2 has them every day. Preferences are again a little different between the two schools. Romania 1 group prefers fruit, sandwiches, pizza, chocolate, cookies, ice cream, bread a nd Romania 2 group prefers fruit, sandwiches, cookies, chocolate, yogurt, ice cram and crackers.
Do you have other snacks during the day?
Do you have lunch?
If so, with whom?
Where do you have lunch?
If so, what do you usually eat? Lunch is the meal students from both groups never skip. Students from Romania 2 school have lunch home, with their families, while some of the students from Romania 1 school have lunch with friends in cafeterias. Lunch is mainly made of first and second dish, on the one hand, and fruit or cookies for dessert, on the other hand.
OUR LUNCH First course Pork borsch/ Meatball borsch Chicken soup Second course - Chicken Legs, potatoes - rice with spices - pickles Stuffed cabbage rolls - Pork meat, Vegetables - Romanian sausages
Desert Krantz (cake made with cream, nuts and caramelized sugar) Sponge cake Brownie with walnuts Chocolate Donuts
Do you have dinner?
If so, with whom?
Where do you have dinner ? Students usually have dinner home, with families and only a small number of students from Romania 1 group skip this meal. In the photos you can see dishes students have for dinner.
Potatoes salad with olives OUR DINNER Pizza Spaghetti bolognese Potatoes salad with olives and onions - Potatoes - Roast pork - Garlic sauce Crepes salad (pancake, cheese, ham and egg) Roast chicken Cream, garlic sauce
Do you usually eat:
HOW MUCH DO YOU DRINK? As far as beverage is concerned, Romanian students drink large amounts of water. Some of them consume fruit juice, soft drinks and a small number of students from Romania 1 group drinks with a low percentage of alcohol. Overall, it was noticed that students keep themselves hydrated.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU DO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY? It was revealed that Romanian students aren’t unfortunately big fans of sports. They occasionally or never do physical exercise.
In case of leftover food: do your parents store it?
Do they throw it away?
How often do your parents throw spoilt food? Excessive shopping leads to big amounts of food that is occasionally stored or sometimes thrown away.
Is the food your parents buy commensurate with your family’s consumption?
More than your family’s consumption?
Do your parents usually buy: seasonal products? As far as food acquisition is concerned, we notice that a larger number of families from Romania 2 group buy seasonal products.
Do your parents usually buy: what your family prefers in every period of the year?
Do your parents usually buy: unpacked products? A larger number of families from Romania 1 group buy unpacked products. Most of them are bought from supermarkets or local shops.
If so, which products?
Do your parents usually buy: packed products?
If so, which products?
Where do your parents usually shop for food?
Conclusions After processing the questionnaires we can list the conclusions related to food habits that students from both schools have. One of the strengths is that students don’t skip the main meals. However, snacks bought from shops, especially by the younger students (from Romania 2) aren’t among the healthiest; fruit consumption isn’t on top of the list. A weakness is that more food than required is bought. The fact that it is not stored correctly makes it impossible to consume the products at a later time, which is not a sustainable way for food consumption. Food is usually bought from supermarkets or local shops and not directly from the local producers. It is a good thing that most students drink water or fruit juice keeping themselves hydrated but it is a pity most of them don’t do physical activities.