Making a Lasting Impression
Making a Lasting Impression Background Education: Anderson University, Anderson, Indiana Degree: BA – Business Administration and Accounting Post Graduate Studies: University of North Carolina, Asheville – Accounting Northwestern University, Chicago, IL – National Graduate Trust School Work Experience: Public Accounting – Sarasota, FL Banking/Financial Institutions - Client Service Mgr – FL, NC, TN, KY Retired from JPMorgan Institutional Asset Management - 2008 Current Activities: Healthcare Institution – Lexington, KY Community Volunteer
Making a Lasting Impression
Making a Lasting Impression
Making a Lasting Impression Questions that frequently develop during job or career development: Why do some workers succeed faster than others? Why do some workers get opportunities and others don’t? Why do some workers feel “stuck” in their career or job? Answer: MAKE A LASTING IMPRESSION. If you consistently make a positive, memorable impact on your boss, your co-workers, and even your employees, you’ll increase your chances of getting selected for best opportunities when they arise and paving your way to career success.
Making a Lasting Impression 10 Ways To Make A Lasting Impression Be friendly and smile… Make a good first impression - be professional in the way you dress, your manners, and speech “Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Taken”…Oscar Wilde Look for point(s) of connection – something you can talk about to connect with them Picture on wall, desk or cabinet Awards - trophy or plaque Book, magazine, or newspaper #1. When we smile, we are letting people know we are happy to be with them, happy to meet them, happy to be interacting with them. They in turn feel happier to be interacting with us. #2. Learn to memorize people’s names. Remembering other people’s names will show others that they are worth remembering. #3. Oscar Wilde – Irish playwright, novelist, essayist and poet in late 1800’s. Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to impress that we forget to show our true selves. We hold back opinions, smuther our creative ideas, and downplay our personalities…all for fear of being judged.
Making a Lasting Impression 10 Ways To Make A Lasting Impression Be factual and accurate in your conversations Give the person you are speaking with your full attention – make eye contact. Don’t be distracted by your own thoughts Look for ways you can help them, offer solutions or contribute to success of the company or organization
Making a Lasting Impression 10 Ways To Make A Lasting Impression Listen and incorporate other person’s opinions into the conversation. Talk about the subject or need……not about yourself Leave conversations making people feel empowered, motivated, and energized Summarize your discussions and next steps
Making a Lasting Impression 6 Ways To Make Sure Your Boss Knows Just How Awesome You Are Keep your manager informed Focus on results - not just your activities Share client/customer expressions of appreciation with your manager or supervisor Get in front of decision makers Demonstrate a strong work ethic – be trustworthy, dependable, and team player Commit to providing quality products or services
Making a Lasting Impression The 6 Secrets Successful People Know By: Dr. Les Parrott, PhD Take responsibility – be a solution’s person Embrace a challenge – “I love a challenge” Don’t take it personally – turn criticism & coaching into improvement & progress Dream big – focus on long-term goals Quit “stewing” (worry, fuss, procrastinate) & start doing Walk the extra mile – be motivated to do more than your job or assignment requires
TAKE AWAYS Make a good first impression….SMILE…. Making a Lasting Impression TAKE AWAYS Make a good first impression….SMILE…. Be professional & friendly Be yourself Be a good listener Discuss what matters to supervisor or group leader Leave others more motivated & informed than you find them If you go out of your way for someone else, there will be a good chance they’ll do the same for you. “The real key to winning friends and influencing people today is having meaningful relationships. The only way to do this is by constantly adding meaning and value”….Dale Carnegie – American author, writer, and motivational speaker.
Making a Lasting Impression