Freehold Borough Public Schools ESEA/Title I Presentation September 20, 2016 (FIS) September 21, 2016 (PAE/FLC)
New Jersey and the Waiver Process In order to waive certain provisions of NCLB, NJ had to adopt 4 principles: Adopt College and Career Ready Expectations for All Students (CCSS and PARCC) State-Developed Differentiated Recognition, Accountability, and Support System (priority, focus, and reward) Support Effective Instruction and Leadership (new evaluation system-Marzano) Reducing Duplication and Unnecessary Burden (less paperwork)
Continued Provisions This Year School Report Cards will no longer identify schools as SINIs, but the Performance Reports note if the school has a status (Priority, Focus, Reward) School status no longer needs to be mailed to families No longer a 20% SES or school choice reserve (SES tutoring is NOT a mandated intervention) No longer a 10% SINI PD reserve If district reports less than 100% of teachers as “Highly Qualified” they no longer need to develop an improvement plan
Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) The NJDOE will calculate AMOs for schools The NJDOE calculated AMOs up to the 2016-2017 school year Aim to close the achievement gap by half within the next 6 years Annual equal increments set for total population and all applicable subgroups
How Do We Know Our Targets? The NJDOE will notify schools of their proficiency rates and targets. Participation Rate Measurement of Math and LAL The targets will be included in the charts Color coded: Green (met target), Red (did not meet target), and Yellow (“confidence interval”-making progress toward target)
What If We Don’t Meet the Targets? There are “no sanctions” for missing targets. The AMOs and target designations will be noted in the School Performance Report for the public to see Schools that did not meet their Progress Targets must develop a plan detailing how they will address the needs of student populations that did not meet their progress targets and other measures of student performance.
Title I Schools Need to complete a School Wide Plan Parent Involvement has not changed Schools will get an allocation (1% of total grant split between 3 schools) Schools must distribute their Parent Involvement Plan and District Parent Involvement Policy. Must complete a School-Parent Compact Still need to distribute the “Right to Know” letter to parents (parents have the right to ask schools about a teachers qualifications) Distribute Language Instruction Letter within 30 days after school starts (children enrolled in a bilingual program) All of these will be posted on the website
Elementary Schools… Title I Summer Literacy and Math Program Will still provide the quality programs, funded by the reduced Title I budget Title I Summer Literacy and Math Program JumpStart to Literacy (phonics interventions) Extended Day Program for students in grades K-2 Provide supports to students through Basic Skills teachers Purchase of materials to enhance the learning experience for students Parental Involvement Activities
Middle School… Will still provide the quality programs, funded by the reduced Title I budget Freehold Intermediate School is a Focus School-30% of the Title I Allocation is set aside for their use. Provide supports to students through Intervention teachers (in both ELA and Math), Literacy, Math, and Special Education Coaches, and a Parent Liaison Extended day Homework Helper program Funding for additional instructional supplies Parental Involvement Activities
WE NEED YOU! Each school is looking to expand its Parental Advisory Committee (PAC) Please feel free to fill out the letter of interest and return it to school As a PAC member you may be asked to: Family Event Planning (Homework Diners, Family Literacy, Math, and Science Nights) Creating school-based surveys Review of School-Wide Plans, School-Parent Compacts, and Parent Involvement Policies
THANK YOU! Contact us with any questions: Colleen LaRocca Title I Coordinator Dr. Samuel dela Cruz Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Federal Title I Program Federal Funds NCLB/ESSA Title I Federal Requirements Teacher Qualifications School Categories Rigorous Standards and Assessments District Freehold Intermediate – Focus School Title I Summer Literacy and Math Program JumpStart to Literacy Extended Day Program for K-2 Basic Skills Teachers Parental Involvement Activities