COUNTERFEIT DRUGS: Comparative analysis of perceptions in the US/Asia/Europe OPINION SURVEY BY HAPPYCURIOUS FOR SANOFI
METHODOLOGY HIGHLIGHTS This document provides points of comparison between the United States, Asia and Europe regarding the perception and awareness of counterfeit drugs. It is based on 3 studies conducted online between 2014 and 2015. Europe: Study conducted from April 7-17, 2014 – Self-administered online questionnaire based on a representative sample of 5,010 Europeans (from France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and Spain) age 18 and up. Asia: Study conducted from May 13-20, 2015 – Self-administered online questionnaire based on a representative sample of 4,005 Asians (from China, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam) age 18 and up. United States: Study conducted from June 30 to July 7, 2015 – Self-administered online questionnaire based on a representative sample of 1,500 Americans age 18 and up. Note: This consolidation only includes the data that is comparable across geographic areas, for methodology consistency reasons.
AWARENESS OF COUNTERFEIT DRUGS AND THEIR DANGER Awareness of imitation drugs is still limited The association between counterfeiting and medicine varies widely across the regions studied: Asia seems more aware, wth 36% of respondents making the association, versus only 15% of Americans. On all 3 continents surveyed there is a clear lack of information. The vast majority of respondents considered themselves insufficiently informed: 88% in the United States and 90% in Asia. Awareness of the danger of counterfeit medicine is mixed in every country studied The majority of respondents are aware that counterfeit drugs are dangerous or potentially dangerous. The sentiment is strongest in Asia, with 67% of those surveyed saying the danger is clear, and Indonesia showing the highest percentage of all countries in the study at 86%. Sanofi's perspective Counterfeit medicine has not reached the same level of social concern as counterfeit luxury products. It's up to the entire healthcare industry to start working together to raise awareness. Already engaged in informing patients, professionals and health authorities, Sanofi calls on the rest of the health industry to join in combatting this societal scourge.
#1 #2 #3 EXPOSURE TO COUNTERFEIT DRUGS In your opinion, why would someone purchase medicine online?* Rank the following motivations, with 1 being the most likely and 4 the least likely: To save time, to save money, to buy anonymously/for privacy, to have access to drugs not available in their country (= other medicine) #1 #2 #3 #4 Save money Save time Buy anonymously Access to other medicine 50% in China United States Access to other medicine Save money Buy anonymously Save time Europe Access to other medicine Save time Save money Buy anonymously Asia *Question asked of all respondents, whether or not they had purchased drugs online
EXPOSURE TO COUNTERFEIT DRUGS Exposure to counterfeiting: primarily online and when traveling The internet is the most cited channel for exposure to fake drugs, across all regions studied. In Asia, 39% of respondents had bought drugs online, compared to 18% for the United States and Europe. The figure is a full 50% in China. Sanofi's perspective Online shopping is constantly increasing worldwide; medicine is no exception to this development in our consumption patterns. Motivations: saving time and money Regardless of whether they had purchased drugs online or not, survey respondents cited the possibility of saving time and money as the leading reasons someone might shop online. The question of access to drugs not otherwise available does not seem to be a significant motivation. Sanofi's perspective According to the WHO, 96% of sites that sell medicine are illicit. Of additional note, over 50% of medicines purchased over the internet from sites that conceal their physical address have been found to be counterfeit. (WHO, December 2011) Shopping online and taking risks 58% of Asians who bought medicine online knowingly took a risk (versus 22% in Europe and 26% in the US).
EXPOSURE TO COUNTERFEIT DRUGS Buying drugs when traveling also considered a risk Three-quarters of those surveyed plan ahead and bring their own medicine with them when they travel. Among Europeans, the number is higher, at 81%, and it is highest among Vietnamese, at 94%. Sanofi's perspective The particularities of each geography must be taken into account when considering the question of buying medicine in a foreign country. Healthcare systems, regulations and distribution channels vary by country, even within the same region. In order to take these considerations into account, Sanofi is currently strengthening its network of experts and its capabilities in each geography to be able to respond precisely and appropriately to the public health scourge of counterfeit drugs circulating in the market. Taking risks when traveling More Europeans buy medicine when traveling (51%) than Asians (31%) and Americans (16%). Another big difference: 84% of Europeans who bought drugs abroad did not feel like they were taking a risk. In Asia, it is interesting to note that the feeling of safety varies with the geographic region visited: Asians feel more trusting when they are buying drugs in Europe and the United States (71%) than in other Asian countries (61%). Vietnamese are the most cautious in the region, with only 50% saying they feel safe when buying medicine abroad.