Special Education Parent Informational Session October 19, 2016 Belleville Public Schools Special Services Department
Agenda Introductions 2016-17 Department Goals Department Initiatives SEPAC Staff and Program Overview SPECIAL OLYMPICS SEPPO Upcoming Meetings Other business
2016-17 Department Goals Belleville Public Schools Special Services Department will assist our parents in becoming better acquainted with information pertaining to the learning of all students with special needs. Emails from IEPDirect (wider audience) Website, Oncourse, ClassroomDojo Communication sheets related service providers Introductory case manager letters Involvement in all school and district events Continue with parental surveys
Department Initiatives IEP Program-IEPDirect-continued LRE-in district and out of district-continued Compliance Paraprofessionals-updated procedural manuals and continued PD Website-Updated department information on website: www.bellevilleschools.org Continued parental input (email blasts, website, parental survey, SEPAC)
LRE The Least Restrictive Environment is defined in the New Jersey Administrative Code (6A:14- 2.10): "each public agency shall ensure that: to the maximum extent appropriate, a pupil with an educationally disability shall be educated with children who are not educationally disabled; special classes, separate schooling or other removal of a pupil with an educational disability from the pupil's regular class occurs only when the nature or severity of the educational disability is such that education in the pupil's regular class with the use of appropriate supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily." http://www.spannj.org/BasicRights/least_restrictive_en vironment.htm
Trainings/Staff Development Paraprofessional Trainings-ABA/Regular Teacher Trainings IEPDirect Envision Wonders/Wondersworks Handle With Care IEP Writing/Accommodating atypical learnings Section 504 DLM and APA
SEPAC Special Education Parent Advisory Groups are required for all school districts in New Jersey. The purpose of these groups is to provide opportunities for parents and community members to offer input to their districts on critical issues. New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14-1.2(h) states that: Each board of education shall ensure that a special education parent advisory group is in place in the district to provide input to the district on issues concerning students with disabilities. Goals: Transparency and information session (both ways) What it is not-vehicle for public complaints-agenda driven Meeting dates have been scheduled and posted on the department website. Any parent wishing to serve on the committee can send an email indicating such to: ryan.kline@Belleville.k12.nj.us Suzanne Biondi Adriane Dohmen Kari Comas Towanda Underdue-Thomas Johnathan Wiener Maritza Allgeier
Special Services Staff 2016-17 CST Responsibilities BHS LDTC: Brookes Wagner (CM and Evaluations) SW: Gina Hyams (CM and Evaluations) School Psychologist: Melanie Presha (CM and Evaluations at BHS and School 3) School Social Worker: Francis Petrillo (Therapeutic Counseling and CM) School Psychologist: Pamela Stoffers (BD Program, counseling and evaluations) BMS LDTC: Erica Pellegrino(CM, Evaluations-school and OOD) SW: Maryann Harnett (CM, Evaluations) School Psychologist: Kai Williams (CM, Evaluations) Therapeutic Counselor: Kathy Caruso (Therapeutic Counseling and CM)
Special Services Staff-Continued Elementary Assignments Linda Damora-(CM: School 5 and CP Center-Belleville, Evals: Schools 3 and 5, Orton Training) Elizabeth Spirito-(CM: School 3 and select OOD cases, Evals: Schools 3, 5, 7, 8, Counseling: School 3) Stacey Cohenson (CM: BD programs at 5, Evaluations: School 5, counseling-School 5) Robert Elliott (CM: School 8, Evaluations: School 8, District HWC Trainer) Yailin Ramirez (CM: School 4, Evaluations: School 4 and 8, Counseling: School 4 and 8) Rachel Porcaro (CM: School, Evaluations: School 4 and 7)
Special Services Staff-Continued Preschool/Autism Team-Team will also cover Schools 9 and 10 evaluations LDTC: Jaclyn Groninger (CM and Learning Evaluations for all students in Autism Programs and PSD) SW: Leticia Hernandez (CM and Evals for all students in Autism Programs, PSD and School 4) SP: Andrea Forese (CM and Psychological Evaluations for all students in Autism Programs and PSD) Out of District Sylvia Pastor (Out of District, Evaluations: School 7 and OOD, Counseling: School 7)
Related Service Providers Speech and Language: Jessica Peralta-School 4 + PSD initials Arvie Flores-School 8 and BHS Janis Ferraro-Schools 5, 9, 10 Allison Joyce-School 3 + some PSD evals at 4 Theresa Lyons-BMS Shira Hirsch-School 7 Rachel Konik-School 7
Related Service Providers-continued Occupational Therapist: Aliza Hillman- School 7 Raquel Bondar-School 7 (part time) Carly Erman – Schools 5, 8, BMS, BHS, Allison Reiher-D’Esposito – Schools 3, 4, 5,10, BMS, BHS Physical Therapist: Jackie Foster-District Behaviorist: Lisa Berkowitz-ABA programs
Programs School 3 LLD-Intermediate PSD-Full Day* PSD-Integrated Resource Room (3)* School 4 LLD-Primary PSD-Full Day Resource Room (3)
Programs-Continued School Number 8 LLD-Mild-Primary MD-Primary MD-Intermediate BD-Primary BD-Intermediate Resource Room (3)* School Number 7 PSD-ABA PSD-Integrated LLD-Mild-Intermediate LLD-Mild-Primary Autism Programs Intermediate/Primary (4)* Resource Room (2) School Number 8 LLD-Mild-Primary LLD-Mild-Intermediate Resource Room (3) School Number 10
Programs-Continued BMS BD Program LLD-mild (2)* LLD-mild (APA) Resource Room-In class support and pullout replacement BHS Resource Room-severe Autism Program* BD Program* Transition Program (vocational skills) *New program
Special Olympics The Belleville Public Schools Department of Special Services is pleased to announce the intention of creating a Track and Field team to participate in the New Jersey Special Olympics for this academic year. Standard qualifications for eligibility involve students with cognitive and adaptive functioning below the 2nd percentile. Information pertaining to the Special Olympics can be found at www.sonj.org.
SEPPO SEPPO has had a long standing commitment to helping serve our students with special needs. The organization is in need of committee and membership volunteers. Anyone interested in participating in this organization can reach out to Christine Lamparello at Christine.Lamparello@Belleville.k12.nj.us
Upcoming Parent and SEPAC Meetings October 19 at 6:00-7:15pm-We will be meeting in the Senior Cafeteria of the High School. This will be an open meeting to all of our parents to discuss program, staffing, and department goals. December 15 at 5:30pm. This meeting will be at John Walker Middle School in Nutley, located on Franklin Avenue. We will meet as a group from 5:30-6:00pm to discuss any SEPAC issues. At 6:00pm, all parents are invited to a workshop provided by SPAN involving Health Advocacy. Further information will be forthcoming regarding this workshop. February 1-SEPAC members will be meeting from 6:30-7:00pm in the Senior Cafeteria at BHS. At 7pm we will be hosting a workshop by SPAN titled, "Interventions & Supports for Struggling students". This will be open to all parents. April 12-6:00pm-7:15 in the conference room at Special Services-SEPAC meeting- only SEPAC members will be invited June 14-6:00-7:15 in the conference room at Special Services-SEPAC meeting- only SEPAC members will be invited.
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