The Church of Ephesus Revelation 2:1-7
The Church of Ephesus The history of Ephesus. An exciting beginning. A prominent heritage.
The Church of Ephesus The history of Ephesus. The things they did correctly. They worked hard in the church. They were patient. They were doctrinally sound.
The Church of Ephesus The history of Ephesus. The things they did correctly. What they lost. They were mechanical. They had abandoned what they loved.
The Church of Ephesus The history of Ephesus. The things they did correctly. What they lost. The cure. Remember. Repent.
What does that mean to me? Do I work hard in the church? Am I patient? Am I grounded in the Word of God?
What does that mean to me? Has my walk with God become mechanical? Have I given up on the things that excited me when salvation was new?
What does that mean to me? Remember what it was like to be excited about your faith! Go back to living with fervor and excitement for God!