SSUSH 3 The student will explain the primary causes of the American Revolution.
The Road to Revolution: (1770-1776)
You need to know about… Proclamation of 1763 Navigation Acts French & Indian War Treaty of Paris 1763 Proclamation of 1763 Navigation Acts Sugar Act and Stamp Act Stamp Act war repealed; Townshend Acts in place Pgs 100-101
Preview You will be shown a series of three events and people. Tell what is happening in each event and be prepared to explain how this events lead to poor British-Colonial Relations.
Crispus Attucks Pg 96
John Adams
Providence, RI coast
Processing Tar and feathering Boston Massacre (March 5, 1770) The Gaspee Incident (1772) Relationship Impact?
Making the Connection What would you do to let other colonies know about what was happening in your community? Why was / is it important for people to know about what is going on outside of their own neighborhood or region?
Committees of Correspondence Purpose warn neighboring colonies about incidents with Br. broaden the resistance movement.
Tea Act (1773) Lord North British East India Co.: Monopoly on Br. tea imports. Permitted the Co. to sell tea directly to cols. without col. middlemen (cheaper tea!) Destroy the colonial tea trade Lord North expected the cols. to eagerly choose the cheaper tea. Lord North
Boston Tea Party (1773) Sons of Liberty
The Coercive or Intolerable Acts (1774) Port of Boston closed until colonist agreed to pay for the damage of the Tea Party. British soldiers could be quartered in vacant private homes & buildings. Thomas Gage (commander and chief of British forces in N Am) appointed gov. of Mass. Wh/ = martial law
The Quebec Act (1774) Colonist feared: Lack of democratic gov’t in Quebec = bad precedent for them Feared RCC strong hold in the colonies
COLONIAL REACTION: Formed the 1st Continental Congress Sept 1774 Agenda How to respond to the Coercive Acts & the Quebec Act? 56 delegates from 12 colonies meet in Philadelphia, PA Stated if demands were not met, colonist should fight back
The British Are Coming . . . Paul Revere & William Dawes make their midnight ride to warn the Minutemen of approaching British soldiers.
The Shot Heard ’Round the World! Lexington & Concord – April 18,1775
The Second Continental Congress (July 5, 1775) Olive Branch Petition
Was the American Revolution Inevitable??
Thomas Paine: Common Sense
Declaration of Independence (1776)
Declaration of Independence
Independence Hall Thompson, Hancock, Read, Dickinson, Rutledge. McKean Wilson Chase & Morris Lee & Adams Walton Hopkins Adams, Sherman, Livingston, Jefferson, Franklin
New National Symbols