Accessing an e-book or an e-journal
To find a book or journal Use the search box on the library homepage
To find a book or journal Before you enter any words Click E-journals by title for a journal Click Books & e-books for a book
E-book Enter the author’s surname and a keyword from the book title (the Books & e-books option you’ve chosen will be grey). Click Go.
E-book Choose the record which says e-book. Click on the title.
E-book Click on Access the resource.
E-book You’ll need to log in using your Brookes student number and password to access the resource The way the screen will look varies depending on the supplier A few of our books only allow one person to access at a time. You may get a message asking you to try again later.
E-journal You can only search on the journal title, not the title of the article (the E-journals by title option you’ve chosen will be grey). If you’re not sure what bit of the reference is the title, see our Basic Database Searching Guide. Click Go.
E-journal The title should appear on the screen with options for access underneath. If it isn’t at the top of the list, scroll down.
E-journal Choose whichever supplier covers the year you’re looking for. Click on the blue link.
E-journal Follow the links to select your volume, issue, and then article. They all look different, but the same options should be on the screen.
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