MESSAGE OF EPHESIANS THE GLORY OF THE CHURCH Cards 43-46 MESSAGE OF EPHESIANS THE GLORY OF THE CHURCH The Ephesians of Paul’s letter lived in the most important city in Asia. People came from all over to worship at the temple of the Roman goddess Diana. Because of it size and beauty, the temple was called one of the seven wonders of the world. After Paul had preaches in Ephesus for a time, the silver workers of the city grew angry. Demetrius, their leader, cried, “Men, you know we make much money selling small stature of Diana. But look at this man Paul! He says that the gods we make are not real. Soon no one will believe in Diana, and our business will die!” The silversmiths started a huge riot, so Paul left town. Later, while he was in prison, Paul sent a letter to the Ephesian Christians. Remembering the beautiful temple of Diana, Paul wrote about God’s church, made not of stone, but of changed hearts: You are no longer strangers, but members of God’s house, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the chief cornerstone. In Him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a Holy temple in the Lord. A dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit. Ephesians 2:19-22
MESSAGE OF EPHESIANS? It is ok to start a riot? We should worship a goddess like Diana? The glory of the church? Who wrote Ephesians? Who did the people back then worship at the temple of Rome? Because if its size and beauty the temple was called: one of the seven w______________ of the w_______________ After Paul preached in Ephesus for a time, what did the silver worker do? 5. What did the silversmiths start? 6. What did Paul do when this happened? 7. Who is the chief cornerstone of God’s church? 8. Does God dwell in the church by His Spirit?
EPHESIANS SHOWS THAT CHRIST IS THE HEAD OF THE BODY (THE CHURCH) EPHENIANS 1;22,23 “And God had put all things under His feet and made Him the supreme Head of the Church, which is His body, filled with Himself, the Author and Giver of everything everywhere”. (Ephesians 1:22,23 The church universal includes all believers of all ages, from the beginning of time. Christ’s church was purchased with His blood, all believers are baptized into the body, it is a spiritual organization with many members. All members of the body are subject to Christ. Jesus stands as the head of the body, whence it receives instruction and life and vigor. The bodies of men controlled by the Spirit of God are the only manifestations of the church visible to men in the flesh.
EPHESIANS SHOWS THAT CHRIST IS THE HEAD OF The school The Baseball team The Body (The Church) Who put all things under the feet of Jesus? What did God make Jesus the supreme Head of ? The church is also called Christ’s _______________? Does the church universal include all believers of all ages? Christ’s church was purchase with His b______________? All believers are to do what to get into the body? The church is a spiritual organization with many m_______________? All members of the body are subject to C__________________? Who stands at the head of the body?
NAME THE “ONES” IN EPHESIANS SEVEN “ONES” IN EPHESIANS This was an earnest plea from Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus, a congregation of believers, for unity and oneness in Christ, in doing the work of God on earth. It is a grievous sin against God for men to destroy the unity of the body of Christ by personal ambition and strife and bickering.
NAME THE “ONES” IN EPHESIANS One B_______________ One S_______________ One H_______________ One L________________ One F________________ One B________________ One G________________
CONDUCT IN THE CHURCH: OLD MAN (LIFE OF SIN) PUT OFF Put on New man of righteousness: A RENEWED MIND RIGHTEOUSNESS TRUE HOLINESS SPEAKING TRUTH HONESST WORK EDIFYING SPEECH PUT OFF OLD MAN OF SIN Ignorance, Lasciviousness (Shameful Conduct) Deceitful Lusts Lying Anger and Wrath Stealing Corrupt Speech Bitterness Malice In the early church there were very many that were imperfectly taught in the truth of Christ. With no written word of truth given, men were mislead and moved by personal feeling and ambition. They were taught many things not compatible with the truth, (God’s Word). Therefore in the earliest days of the church gathering and parties were more common in proportion to the number of members claiming to follow Jesus than at any other period. The new life required that they put off the old manner of life, which was corrupt. The lusts are deceitful because they promise happiness if gratified, when they always bring misery. The man away from God is led by these lusts, and they always work corruption of life and degradation of character and bring misery.
CONDUCT IN THE CHURCH: OLD MAN (LIFE OF SIN) PUT OFF PUT ON NEW MAN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS Name the things the righteousness man is to put on: A. A renewed m___________ B. R_______________________ C. True H_________________ D. Speaking T____________ E. Honest w______________ F. Edifying S______________ Did the people in the early church have the written word (Bible)? Were they mislead and moved by personal feeling and ambition? Were they taught many things not compatible with God’s Word? Did their new life in Christ require that they put away or stop the old life of sin? The old life of sin is deceitful because it promises happiness, but does it really bring happiness?