A.P. Biology A 302 Ms. Tigue
Education High School: Walled Lake Western H.S. Bachelors & Teaching Certification: M.S.U. & E.M.U. Masters in Ecosystems Biology and Toxicology: E.M.U.
Teaching Assistant, E.M.U. – biology & zoology Experience Teaching Assistant, E.M.U. – biology & zoology Research Assistant, E.M.U. – ecology & molecular biology Research Associate, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory – environmental toxicology
High school teaching experience Ladywood High School Rochester High School Stoney Creek High School
Publications Bioaccumulation of PCB Congeners by Diporeia sp., 2001 Journal of Great Lakes Research Accumulation and Toxicokinetics of Fluoranthene in Water-only Exposures with Freshwater Amphipods, 1996 Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol 16
Complete syllabus available on class web page Grading = straight scale Syllabus Info Complete syllabus available on class web page Grading = straight scale Test = about 50% of quarter grade Students can keep tests to study from Cumulative exams at end of each semester count for 20% of semester grade Extra credit available for quarters 1-3
AP Exam scored do not affect student’s class grades 50% of AP exam is multiple choice questions 50% of AP exam is free response Class tests prepare for the multiple choice Lab short answer questions prepare for free response Typical AP scores for SCHS AP Bio classes 53 out of 65 students took the AP exam last year 16% got 5s 28% got 4s 45% got 3s 11% got 2s
Global SCHS
Students will plan and conduct independent research projects After the AP exam Students will plan and conduct independent research projects
Tests are based on notes taken in class & labs Notes & Reading Tests are based on notes taken in class & labs The book is a great resource for overview of topics and helps students make connections and see the big picture However, not all of the information in the book chapters will be on the tests Studying should focus on class notes & power points
Nearly all notes are in power power point presentations They can be found on the AP Biology class web page Notes for some topics will be assigned as homework Students are expected to view the power points and hand write the notes. Studies have shown that students who hand write notes score better on tests than those that type their notes Notes will then be reviewed in class with discussion
This makes more time in class for lab work and discussion rational By taking notes at home on the simpler topics we can go over the notes in class much more quickly This makes more time in class for lab work and discussion Please email if you have any questions