Good Practices: Principles and Perspectives Alenka Kavčič-Čolić, PhD Open Access and Licensing Options In Academic Libraries Good Practices: Principles and Perspectives Ljubljana, 1 October 2015 THE ROLE OF THE NATIONAL AND UNIVERSITY LIBRARY OF SLOVENIA IN PROVIDING OPEN ACCESS TO SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE Alenka Kavčič-Čolić, PhD Head of the Research and Development Division National and University Library Photo: M. Brumen
OVERVIEW NUK status OA Holdings OA Activities OA challenges A. Kavčič-Čolić, NUK, 1 Oct. 2015
1. NUK STATUS Library of the University of Ljubljana for humanities and social sciences Slovenian Legal Deposit Library Trusted digital repository for Slovenian cultural and scientific heritage National aggregator of e-contents from the field of culture ( Digital Library of Slovenia ( Coordinator of COSEC (Slovenian Consortium for licensed e-resources, member of EIFL since 2003) A. Kavčič-Čolić, NUK, 1 Oct. 2015
2. NUK SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS HOLDINGS AND LOG STATISTICS TYPE OF LIBRARY MATERIAL HOLDINGS DOWNLOADS (2015) ACCESSED ONLY (2015) scientific journals titles 219 scientific articles 52,331 2.346.328 1.379.772 theses 1,034 47.986 20.912 research reports 2,182 39.379 19.748
NUK ANNUAL AQUISITIONS OF SCIENTIFIC PUBL. (2011-2015/Sept.) A. Kavčič-Čolić, NUK, 1 Oct. 2015
3. OPEN ACCESS ACTIVITIES National level: Agreement with the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) Access to research output through the Digital Library of Slovenia portal ( Support of CC 4.0 licences publishing OA support to researchers – network initiated by CTK Co-author of (EIFL funded project) International level: Project DRIVER II (2007-2009) - National agregator for DRIVER network NUK is co-founder and member of COAR (Confederation of OA Repositories) NUK is member of EIFL (EIFL-OA)
ARRS OA mandate A. Kavčič-Čolić, NUK, 1 Oct. 2015
New guidelines adopted in 2015: Aimed to foster OA of Slovenian authors in hybrid journals of major publishers (APC negotiations) Successful arrangement with Taylor & Francis from 2016 Negotiations with Emerald and Sage Journals, and other publishers
4. OA CHALLENGES Staff dedicated to the provision of OA support OA support network at University of Ljubljana Processing of OA materials: Different versions, outputs, huge quantities … Legal Deposit materials from Slovenian repositories long-term access + digital preservation Integration of OA research output (publication + data) Publishers‘ embargoes Sometimes more than 12 months DRM by publishers depositors in NUK digital repository Slovenian publishers due to different DRM have not acquired all rights from authors Support to researchers, especially in humanities and social sciences Cooperation researchers-librarians-publishers.
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