Cabarrus County schools SECURITY, Social Media POLICY AND BYOT
Passwords and Personal Information Cabarrus County Schools (CCS) employees must protect their username and password. At no time, will anyone from CCS or DPI call or email a user and request user’s password or social security number. CCS employee should never release his or her password to anyone. Personal information such as social security numbers, drivers license numbers, etc. should not be inserted into email messages or other forms of electronic communication.
CIPA REQUIREMENT Why are we required to educate teachers and students on Digital Literacy and Citizenship? The Children’s Internet Protection Act (“CIPA”), enacted December 21, 2000, requires recipients of federal technology funds to comply with certain Internet filtering and policy requirements. The above statement requires CCS to filter all internet traffic and provide digital literacy professional development to staff and students. Schools and libraries receiving funds for Internet access and/or internal connection services must also meet the Internet safety policies of the Neighborhood Children’s Internet Protection Act (“NCIPA”) which addresses the broader issues of electronic messaging, disclosure of personal information of minors, and unlawful online activities. The Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act, enacted October 10, 2008, adds an additional Internet Safety Policy requirement covering the education of minors about appropriate online behavior. Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) is a federal law enacted by Congress to address concerns about access to offensive content over the Internet on school and library computers.
Staff AUP Starting 2012-13 school year all staff is required to sign a Network/Internet Acceptable Use Policy. All staff will return the signed AUP form to the Technology Facilitator.
Social Media Policy 3225/4312/7320 Ban the device or ban the behavior? We are experiencing rapid development of new websites, devices, communication tools, etc. Talking Points: School districts all over North Carolina are revising AUPs an/or Social Media Policies in order to comply with new CIPA (Children’s Internet Protection Act) and State Board Social Media Policy. We realize there are thousands of web tools for education but there is also negative content. Do we ban all content or do we ban the behavior? Some districts are blocking all web 2.0 tools. This includes twitter, facebook, youtube, etc.
Expectations Staff will integrate technology into instruction. Staff may use technology to communicate. Phones Email Teacher Websites
Optional Communication Vehicles Staff may have a Classroom/Club Facebook Page Staff may have a Classroom/Club Twitter Account Employees must inform school administration if they plan to use social media pages for communication. Teachers can create a classroom/club Facebook Page and Twitter Account. The account must be separate from their personal account. Teacher should create a class account using their school email address. You cannot have spaces in the account name. Teacher can create a class page and use it for all classes.
Strong Recommendations Do not use personal accounts to communicate with current K12 students or parents. Do not “friend” students/parents on personal Facebook account, etc. Keep all communication with current K12 students and parents professional and “above board”.
Protect Yourself Monitor any Social Media accounts personal or professional on a regular basis. Example: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Professional Learning Networks. A DIGITAL FOOTPRINT is a trail left by a person’s interactions in a digital environment. Talking Points: It is important to monitor all online accounts. What is a digital footprint? A digital footprint is a trail left by a person’s interactions in a digital environment; including their usage of TV, mobile phone, internet and world wide web, mobile web and other devices and sensors. Digital footprints provide data on what a person has performed in the digital environment; and are valuable in assisting behavioural targeting, personalisation, targeted marketing, digital reputation, and other social media or social graphing services.[1] In social media, a digital footprint is the size of an individual's online presence; as it relates to the number of individuals with whom they interact.
Reminder An email is a public record and may be subpoenaed by a lawyer. Keep email – communication short and to the point. Keep your emotion out of the communication.
BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology) BYOT will allow teachers and students to bring devices such as laptops and or tablets to school and access the CCS wireless network. CCS Technology Department is working to provide GUEST ACCESS on the schools wireless network.
Questions?? Please read and sign the staff AUP. Return your Technology Facilitator or designated person by September 7, 2012.