1st Discussion for RICH Cabling: ‘long distance’ cables and electronics install General aspects: Optical links : last discussion with Steve in Oct 2015 https://indico.cern.ch/event/456397/ March 2016 (TB): option approved to split 144 fo cable to single fibre in TELL40 side (load balancing, Data & ECS+TFC mixing possible, ECS bidirectional links) for all Sub-detectors could simplify the cabling inside RICH detectors General schema to reconsider ? Steve Documentation to prepare: §2 about VTTx, VTRx quantities… to complete by Steve - Copper cables Doc and cable/dataBase software: “1-Can you please give us a contact person for fibre-optics and a contact person for copper-cables. (it can be the same person!). He or she can then be the point of contact to finalise the documents with Laurent and also provide information on re-using old cables, ordering & installing new cables, rack infrastructure etc.” Fibre-optics: Steve Copper-cables & racks: ? “2-Gloria and colleagues have developed a new interface to the cabling database ( https://indico.cern.ch/event/567778/ ) It could also be used for your ‘internal’ cabling. An e-group will be created for each sub-detector, and the members will have the rights to modify the cabling details of RICH. Can you please let us know who should be in the e-group.” In demo for the moment: few names to test it and for the future ?? Ken Wyllie – Laurent Roy 17 Nov 2016
RICH Copper cables and Power supplies Info below extracted from “Infrastructure requirement doc” (Heinrich) https://svnweb.cern.ch/cern/wsvn/lhcbdocs/Users/hschindl/UpgradeInfrastructure/main.pdf Many information already there: Thanks! LOW VOLTAGE no need more additional Maraton One Maraton take from RICH2 to install for RICH1 2 controls+1 Power cables to install (D3-Balcony) HIGH VOLTAGE “The existing cables are not sufficient and not appropriate for the new voltage partition” 4 x 56 wires cables for each RICH detector to install ? (36 wires cables not reused) Time and Exposure Calibration 2 new systems in D3 (CW Laser, Hamamatsu Driver)? New cables, optical fibres ? DCS (ELMB for diff Temp, Pressure,…monitoring) ELMBs detector side. Reuse the CAN bus cables in place, no need new cables. Remote power switch available for 2 D3 racks Does ‘intelligent’ PDU (Power Distribution Unit) with Ethernet connection could be a solution? DSS Rich is interested to have additional ‘safety parameters’ monitored by DSS Could be detailed in a dedicated meeting a contact person ?
LAMS and MDMS systems for RICH1 MDMS to remove LAMS ? New systems will be installed ? Power cables + breakers
Laser system in D2 for Rich2 Keep it ? New system? Space in D2 rack, cables (power, can, optical link)
D3C01 (Level1 Board-Rich1) 2 Wiener crates to remove UKL1 Boards Optical fibres Optical PP to remove
D3C02 (Maraton + HV – Rich1) 3 Wiener Maraton: kept HV system Caen Crate: kept ? HV cables Light detection system: change ?
D3C03 (HV-Rich1) HV system: change ? New customized HV supply, correct ? Removed old cables, install new ?
D3C04 (Level1 Board-Rich2) 2 Wiener crates to remove UKL1 Boards Optical fibres Optical PP to remove
D3C05 (Maraton + HV – Rich2) 4 Wiener Maraton kept HV system Caen Crate: kept ? HV cables Light detection system: change ?
D3C06 (HV-Rich2) HV system: change ? crate cables
D3C07 (Laser) 2 LASER systems kept ?
D3C08 (Tests? Rich2) Kept ?
D3 Barrack to view 8 x D3 racks are need for RICH1 + RICH2 ? or considering that Level1 racks will be emptied D3C07, D3C08 could be ‘given’ to someone if need ? 2 racks in the Bunker for RICH2 are enough ? 2 racks on the Balcony for RICH1 are enough ?
Old cables table (before installation): additional cables probably installed since RICH1 (table1) * * * to remove
RICH1 (table2) * * * * * * to remove
RICH2 half only (C side) * * * * * to remove
RICH2 (A side- table1) * * * * to remove
RICH2 (A side - table2) * * * * * * to remove -END-