Introductions to the Location of Proposed RUB: South rural and coastal settlement areas 16 October 2014 Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel
The Auckland Plan and the rural urban boundary The RUB was identified in the Auckland Plan as a key method for of addressing the need to provide (decade by decade) housing and business land supply that keeps up with population growth, and preserving the countryside and the natural environment around Auckland. The RUB will define the maximum extent of urban development on greenfield land over the next 30 years and shape and manage the outwards part of Auckland’s future growth This diagram shows how the RUB is intended to be implemented through a clear land release strategy integrated with timed delivery of enabling planning and service infrastructure. Deliberately located within the RPS, the RUB is a key method for providing greater certainty about the sequencing and location of major greenfield expansion and avoiding sprawl. Rural Urban Boundary Definition: The boundary which defines the maximum extent of urban development to 2040 in the form of a permanent rural urban interface. It is defined around the following urban areas: metropolitan urban area of Auckland, Orewa and the urban areas of Waiheke Island and Whangaparaoa Peninsula •the satellite towns of Pukehoke and Warkworth • rural and coastal towns of Beachlands/Pine Harbour, Helensville, Kumeu-Huapai, Oneroa, Riverhead, Snells Beach/Algies Bay, Waiuku and Wellsford • serviced villages.
Determining the proposed RUB Stage 1 – Updated 2010 MUL Stage 2 – The ‘edge work’ Stage 3 – Greenfield areas of investigation Stage 4 – Other areas Including rural and coastal towns and serviced villages outside the ‘greenfield areas of investigation’. To occur after the unitary plan becomes operative. Currently, the unitary plan incorporates growth for these areas proposed by legacy plan changes. Unserviced villages are unlikely to be given a RUB. This map is from the Auckland Plan Development Strategy. The Council have sought to establish the RUB through 4 stages of work: Stage 1 - Updated 2010 MUL: Updating the 2010 MUL to include recent Environment Court decisions and consent orders Stage 2 – The ‘Edge Work’: Revising the updated 2010 MuL, (Stage 1), evaluating requests to change the MUL around the existing metropolitan urban area and including additional areas suitable for inclusion in the RUB Stage 3 - Greenfields Areas of Investigation: Determining a RUB in the ‘greenfield areas of investigation’ identified in the Auckland Plan. The greenfield areas include the two satellite towns of Warkworth and Pukekohe. They also include rural areas considered suitable for capacity for future urban growth in the north, northwest and south of Auckland. They are close to existing urban areas and key transport corridors and with potential to support the development of a quality compact city in the future. Stage 4 – Other RUB Areas include: o Setting the RUB for rural and coastal towns and serviced villages outside the ‘greenfield areas of investigation’ o Setting the RUB in other areas that have not been considered in steps 1-3 above (but excluding un-serviced villages and ad-hoc urban development proposals). The extent of zones in towns and villages in the PAUP reflects legacy plans and plan changes which have been carried over into the PAUP. What qualifies as Edge? See p134 of s 32 report – Its all laid out there.. Land must be contiguous with the MUL or located in close proximity to the RUB. Close proximity to the RUB means that land is: Located within an urbanised catchment, and Served or accessible to PT, or Serviced or capable of being readily serviced with reticulated water and WW or Part of an approved structure plan for urban development Auckland Plan Committee Some amendments to the proposed RUB were moved by elected Councillors at APC meeting on 5 Sept 2013 – Drury South and Point View Drive, East Tamaki – as well as land at Westgate, Silverdale (taken out)
Beachlands and Maraetai Additional development capacity at Beachlands aligns to Plan Changes 30, 30A and 34, which are all operative. There are no relevant plan changes for Maraetai.
Whitford Unserviced Additional development capacity at Whitford aligns to Plan Change 27 which is operative.
Clevedon Subject of extensive investigation via Clevedon Village Structure Plan – including flooding, rural village character and wastewater issues. Structure Plan informed Plan Change 32. Outstanding appeals on Plan Change 32. Council intention is that the unitary plan reflect and incorporate provisions agreed through appeal process.
Runciman and Ramarama Runciman and Ramarama were influenced by Plan Change 14. Area of Countryside Living zone is in accordance with the Plan Change 14 appeal resolution.
Karaka There are no relevant plan changes for Karaka. Subject of extensive investigation via greenfield areas for investigation – including flooding, rural village character, transport and wastewater issues.
Bombay Village Bombay Village was influenced by Plan Change 14 where additional land was zoned for village living. Plan Change 14 is mainly operative with the exception of one rule relating to transfer subdivision and which is the subject of Variation 13.
Patumahoe Additional development capacity at Patumahoe aligns to the Patumahoe Structure Plan area but will need to be updated to encompass the boundary limits of Plan Change 37 both of which are operative.
Kingseat Additional development capacity at Kingseat aligns to Plan Change 28. Plan Change 28 is currently being mediated in the Environment Court.
Glenbrook Beach Unitary plan has carried forward the ‘Glenbrook Beach Structure Plan Area’ as an area of Future Urban zone.
Glenbrook (steel mill) Unitary plan has carried forward the ‘Iron & Steel Production zone’ as Heavy Industry zone.
Waiuku Additional development capacity at Waiuku aligns to Plan Change 23 which is operative.
Orua Bay Unserviced Unitary plan has carried forward ‘Village’ zone as the Rural and Coastal Settlement zone.