Technical Assistance Facility for Danube Region Projects


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Presentation transcript:

Technical Assistance Facility for Danube Region Projects May 2013

Background Overview, calendar The different steps STEP 1: Application STEP 2: Selection STEP 3: Implementation STEP 4: Follow-up

Background  There is no lack of money in the Danube Region, BUT Bureaucratic barriers, in particular for small projects The lack of pre-financing (project development) Lack of co-financing Difficulties during the project preparation phase Information about financing opportunities is insufficient .

2. Overview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FACILITY FOR DANUBE REGION PROJECTS OBJECTIVE Support up to 40 project ideas to overcome a major obstacle in project development  bankable / fundable project TYPE OF PROJECTS Projects that contribute to the objectives of the EUSDR and in particular to one Priority Area STAKEHOLDERS INVOLVED - Close cooperation between applicant (=project developer) and relevant PAC - Close cooperation between consultant and beneficiary - Coordination by PAC 10, managing authority FINANCIAL FRAME Up to 25,000 € per project concept – in the form of consultant services to beneficiary TIMELINE - 2013-2014 - 2 calls at least are foreseen

2. Overview

2. Calendar

2. Overview: What type of projects are we looking for? Project reveals a public interest Applicant and partners – legal personality, located in the Danube Region Project size justifies TAF-DRP support : not too small, not too large (< € 25M) Priority to “new entries” with strong needs and new ideas (vs. experienced transnational partnerships) TAF-DRP support is likely to change the status quo Project contributes to the EUDSR / Priority Area Outputs, results and impact of the project are relevant for EUSDR / PA Project has a macro-regional dimension (e.g. location/partnership/impact) Applicant is committed to follow-up Eligibility and quality (selection) criteria Kept to a minimum = low bureaucratic burdens Relevant for EUSDR, high commitment from the applicant

2. Consultant support Actions Output/type of services (examples) Cost-benefit analysis for different legal/technical options Identifying legal framework applicable Pre-feasibility study that clarifies the cornerstones in terms of technical and/or legal feasibility Cost estimate for possible solutions Provision of planning steps including budget estimate Initial facilitation of development/implementation process (e.g. identification of main actors, set up of targeted network, etc) Financing plan, applicable conditions (for the different sources) and recommendations Clarify major legal/technical/economic question(s) Establish a timeplan towards implementation Short version Analyse and identify possible financing options

3. The different steps First call Preparation Selection Implementation Follow up Eligibility and quality (selection) criteria Kept to a minimum = low bureaucratic burdens Relevant for EUSDR, high commitment from the applicant

Final check + submission to MA STEP 1: Application 1) Pre-selection 2) Signature LoC 3) Submission Jointly sign up to 2 applications PAC Applicant PAC PAC + SG Final check + submission to MA TOP-DOWN BOTTOM UP Letter of Commitment Application + LoC or Applicants MA Application form

STEP 1: Application documents Application Form Contact data of applicant (and partners if any) Project description Commitment to the future project Specification of the request for consultant services List of previous projects For private organisations: additional information on the organisation Letter of Commitment Identification of the project Relevance of the project idea for the EUSDR/PA Commitment to follow-up activities

STEP 2: Selection No opportunity check by PA10! Just admin and plausibility Rejected projects may be resubmitted/considered for next call

STEP 3-4: Implementation and follow up

Contact for the TAF-DRP Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Kurt Puchinger PAC10 Coordinator – EUSDR Kellermanngasse 8/4     A - 1070 Wien      Tel: +43 (0) 1 89 08 088 22 01 Mobile: +43 664 883 568 58 Mag. Elise Lindner Project manager for the TAF-DRP WH-BuS Finanz- und Fördermanagement Tel: +43 (0) 50 855 37 Mobile: +43 664 883 568 73 With the financial support of the European Union