SUBJECT (Week 2 ) 2nd Sem. Date: 16 - 20 January 2017 Room 111 – W. Martin MATH 6A – PER 2 & 5 SCIENCE/HEALTH – PER 4 & 6 B-Read Math Triumphs Math Intervention Period 3 DO NOW ACTIVITY Use your flash cards to test your partner on Academic Vocabulary being used in this math lesson. Document your learning experience by using the 3 Big Questions. Use flash cards to test your partner on Academic Vocabulary that you are presently using in this Health lesson. Make flash cards that show how to write decimals correctly in tenths and hundredths. Test your partners on your team. LANGUAGE OBJECTIVE SWBAT solve problems using division using the academic vocabulary: evaluate, quotient, simplify, fractions, multiplication. SWBAT explain their Mental and Emotional Health while using the academic vocabulary: abstinence, decisions, emotional shifts, emotions, express, hormone, parents/guardians, realistic, reinforce, self-esteem, self-concept Students will understand that fractions and decimals are two different representations of the same concept and use the academic vocabulary: decimal, tenths, and hundredths. STANDARDS By the end of the week, students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of how to solve problems using division. By the end of the week, students will know how to balance their mental and emotional health to reduce stress on their growing bodies. By the end of the week, students will be able to solve problems involving decimals. ESSENTIAL QUESTION How can you represent a percent as an estimate and in an equation? Why is it important to know how to regulate your mental and emotional health? How can you represent a fraction as a decimal? HOMEWORK CPM Section 6.1 Do 6.1.3 Solve Division problems. Do problems 6-26 to 6-42. Do the Divide Fractions worksheet, problems 1 to 40. Do Chapter 2: Mental and Emotional Health. Copy and answer all questions at the end of each lesson. Write the Lesson number, page number, and your name on your work. Copy the academic words and define them on your Chapter 2 foldable. Complete Lesson 4-1, pages 56 to 62. Copy the academic words and define them on a card and test your partner each day. TEST Your test will be CPM problems 6-33 to 6-42, pages 274 to 275. Your test will be Chapter 2 Assessment on page 50, questions 1 to 17. Make sure to write the questions and answers. Your test will be problems 1 to 42, pages 58 to 62 in your work book. SPECIAL EVENTS Interim Assessment 2 on 18 Jan 2017 Extra credit: Perform the 2nd scenario from the Health video tape with other students. We will do a IAB math review for interim assessment 2 this week.