4th Grade Curriculum Video Please click on the speaker icon below for sound.
Welcome Meet your 4th grade teachers: Mrs. Jennifer Burak – Writing/Social Studies Mr. Bryan Crowson – Reading/Science Mr. Scott Sullivan – Math
Communication Email – jennifer_burak@allenisd.org bryan_crowson@allenisd.org scott_sullivan@allenisd.org Agendas – student will record important dates and homework Behavior Folder - please initial and discuss any behavior marks with your child Tuesday Folders – please remove papers and sign them prior to returning Newsletters – sent/emailed every other Tuesday
Parent Conferences A Sign-Up Genius will be emailed in the fall and spring to sign up for conferences. Please email any other time you would like to schedule a conference. Teachers will also contact you as needed.
STAAR Testing There are three STAAR tests for 4th graders – Writing - March 28th Math – May 8th Reading – May 9th Comprehensive Science Assessment- May 23rd
IMPACT IMPACT is our school-wide intervention/enrichment program to help students in small groups progress in their academics. Students will travel by homeroom on a three day rotation for math, reading and writing.
Grading Policy Homework and Class Work – 60% Tests and Projects – 40% District Policy can be found on the Allen ISD website.
Reading The more children read, the better they become at reading! Please help your child find time to read every night. Units of Study: -fiction and nonfiction analysis -text structure -drama and poetry -critical reading -strategies good readers use
Writing Our focus for writing this year will be on taking our Narrative and Expository essays through the writing process. Students will be developing drafts, revising, editing and publishing their essays. Grammar, punctuation, spelling and capitalization will be important aspects of our revising and editing process.
Writing…what can YOU do? Encourage your child to keep a journal to write about their day, things that interest them, etc. Write with your child. Show them how you use writing in your job and daily life. While writing with your child, stop to check for correct conventions (complete sentences, spelling, punctuation, etc.)
Math Units 1 Place Value – billions-ones and decimals 2 Data – Dot plots, Stem and Leaf Plot, Frequency Plot 3 Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers 4 Multiplication – basic facts, 2 digit by 2 digit, 3 digit by 1 digit, 4 digit by 1 digit 5 Division 6 Algebra – strip diagrams 7 Fractions – equivalency, adding and subtracting 8 Decimals – adding and subtracting, place value, equivalent fraction 9 Geometry – measuring angles, 2d shapes, lines 10 Measurement – customary and metric 11 Perimeter and Area – of squares and rectangles 12 Time – telling time, elapsed time 13 Financial Literacy – deposits, withdraws, savings, financial planning (Major Project)
Math . . . what YOU can do - The best way to help at home is to include your child in conversations about real life experiences when it comes to numbers of any sort. - While at the grocery store, ask your child to estimate the total of the bill, when you get to the register see how close they were! - Have your child estimate the amount of change you will get when paying with cash. - When ordering food at a restaurant, have your child add up the total amount of each meal! - While you have time in the car quiz them on their basic multiplication facts!
Science We will be integrating science topics as much as possible with reading. Most of our units will include hands on scientific experiments using the Scientific Process. Units of Study: -Properties of Matter -Matter & Energy -Force & Motion -Mixtures/Solutions -Water Cycle -Properties of Soil -Weathering, Erosion & Deposition -Natural Resources -Inherited Traits & Learned Behavior -Weather -Food Chains/Food Webs -Life Cycles -Shadows/Seasons/Moons/Tides -Adaptations
Social Studies We will be studying Texas History in social studies. We will be covering everything from the early Texans to the 20th century.
Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com Work Habits Please have your child check their agenda and homework folder nightly for required assignments and due dates. Students are responsible for their assignments Encourage your child to return their assignments On Time. Late work will have points deducted according to AISD grading regulations. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com Thank you! We look forward to working as a team to make 4th grade a successful year for your child. Please email or call anytime you have feedback, questions, or concerns. Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com