Los mandatos Learn them!
The imperative verb form The imperative form of a verb is the form used to give commands or directions You are already familiar with many formal and informal commands. ¿Qué significa...? ¡Levántate! ¡Salta! ¡Cierra la puerta! ¡Entrega la tarea! ¡Siéntense!
Commands in Spanish are defined as: Informal or Formal Afirmativo or Negativo Commands follow a regular pattern EXCEPT for Informal Affirmative Commands Informal Formal Afirmativo Negativo
Informal Affirmative Commands Regular Informal Affirmative Commands have the same form as the 3rd person singular (él,ella,usted) ¿Comó se dice? Eat! Swim! Talk! Write! Try! Look! Run!
Irregular Informal Affirmative Commands INFINATIVE → COMMANDS EXAMPLE decir di Di la verdad hacer haz Haz la tarea ir ve Ve a la tienda salir sal Sal temprano poner pon pon la luz ser se se feliz tener ten ten cuidado venir ven ven aqui
Negative Informal Commands Take the 1st person stem and add the “opposite” verb ending. Hablar → habl- → hables → no hables Infinitive 1st person stem stem + opposite Negative informal command vowel ending Escribir → escrib- → escribas → no escribas Infinitive 1st person stem stem + opposite Negative informal vowel ending command Como se dice? Don’t walk! Don’t lie! Don’t tell! Don’t be scared!
Formal Commands Irregular Formal Commands dar estar ir saber ser Usted Form positive/negative formal commands in the same way you would negative informal commands. For example, take the 1st person stem and add the “opposite” verb ending. Hablar → habl- → hable → hable / no hable Infinitive 1st person stem stem + opposite Singular Formal command vowel ending Tener → teng- → tenga → tengan / no tengan Infinitive 1st person stem stem + opposite Plural Formal command Irregular Formal Commands dar estar ir saber ser Usted dé esté vaya sepa sea Ustedes den estén vayan sepan sean These same verbs are irregular and have the same changes as negative informal commands
NOTICE THAT WHEN OBJECT PRONOUNS ARE ATTACHED TO COMMANDS, Commands with objects Object pronouns are always attached to the end of affirmative commands Object pronouns are always placed in front of the verb in negative commands ¡Díme! ¡No me digas! ¡Cuéntamelo! ¡No me lo cuentes! ¡Dámelo! ¡No me lo des! NOTICE THAT WHEN OBJECT PRONOUNS ARE ATTACHED TO COMMANDS, AN ACCENT MUST BE ADDED
¡Inténtalo! ¿Cómo se dice? IR Informal Formal Affirmative Negative DAR Informal Formal Affirmative Negative Informal Formal Affirmative Negative TENER Informal Formal Affirmative Negative ¿Cómo se dice? Turn it in! (the homework) Bring it to me! (the spoon) Break them! (the eggs) Put it down! (the cake) Take it! (the carrot) Buy them for me! (the ingredients) Taste them! (the vegetables) Take it to him! (the dinner)
¡Pobre Cenicienta! ¡Todos le dicen que hacer! Su madrastra Sus hermanastras Su madrina El principe Inventa dos mandatos que usa cada persona. Puedes usar estos verbos: limpiar banar borrar lavar venir cocinar bailar, etc.