Using relevant ratios in support of your answer, analyse the financial efficiency of Shropshire Hills Water plc over the past two years. (10 marks)
Relevant ratios should include: • Asset turnover • Inventory or stock turnover • Payables or creditor days • Receivables or debtor days.
http://web. aqa. org. uk/qual/gce/business/business_materials. php
Coffee Delight: Analyse whether or not the Finance Director is correct to say that both expansion projects meet the company’s financial objective of a 10% annual average return, but that the Romanian project looked more attractive? You should support your answer with relevant calculations. (10 marks)
Answer: Romania: Total profits (millions) = (1.85 + 3.08 + 5.12 + 7.99) – 10.6 = 18.04 – 10.6 7.44/4 = 1.86/10.6 x 100 = 17.55% UK: Total profits (millions) = (2.0 + 3.10 + 3.31 + 3.45) – 8.1 = 11.86 – 8.1 3.67/4 = 0.94/8.1 x 100 = 11.60%