Our solar system by alexander j. The solar system can include the sun, planets, comets, and asteroids. The solar system formed the planets about 4.6 billion years ago. There are 8 planets.
The sun The sun is the star in our solar system. The sun is like a beating heart. The distance from the sun creates the seasons.
mercury Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. The planet orbits the sun. Mercury is the fastest planet to orbit the sun.
venus Venus is one of the brightest planets. It takes 225 days to orbit the sun. Venus is the 2nd planet from the sun.
earth earth has 1 moon. Earth is the biggest of the inner planets. The planet earth is an oasis for life.
mars on Mars I would weigh about 27 pounds There was once water on mars. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun.
The asteroid belt There are thousands of rocks within the asteroid belt. The asteroid belt is the circumstellar disc in the Solar System. numerous irregularly shaped bodies are called asteroids.
Jupiter Jupiter is the 1st planet after the asteroid belt. Jupiter is the fifth known planet. Jupiter is the first of the gas giants.
saturn Saturn is the sixth planet in the Solar system. The rings were first discovered by Galileo. Saturn has 18 moons.
uranus Uranus turns on its axis once every 17 hours. Uranus makes one trip around the Sun every 84 earth years. Uranus is often referred to as an “ice giant” planet. .
neptune Neptune was discovered by Jean. Neptune is the Roman God of Sea. Neptune has the second largest planet.
Dwarf planet Pluto has frozen water. Pluto is named after the Greek god of the underworld. Pluto has five known moons.
comet Comets orbit the Sun in elliptical paths. Comets are invisible except when it is by the sun. Many comets are first discovered by amateur astronomers.
resources http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/spa ce/solarsystem.html http://www.kidsastronomy.com/solar_system.h tm http://www.planetsforkids.org/ http://www.kidzone.ws/planets/ http://easyscienceforkids.com/all-about-the- solar-system/ https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/kids/index.cfm# Google.com
Thanks for waching!!!!! Taking over the galaxy!!!!!!!!