1 Third transnational meeting – Budapest – November 2006 EMCET 2 – LEONARDO DA VINCI PROJECT
2 KEY DEFINITIONS The project should be based on the official terminology used at both european and national level Profession – Job Standards Activities, Competencies, Certification Certification – Qualification
3 KEY DEFINITIONS Recognition of the non formal and informal acquired skills. Training modalities Modular training Individualised training Training aims and Certification aims
4 Institution responsible for vocational standards or requirements of qualifications The CNCP (National Commission on Vocational Certification) is in charge of : Setting up and updating the National Registry of Vocational Certifications (RNCP), Highlighting areas in which national certifications and European certifications match.
5 Structure of standard (elements) French Model (Ministry of Education)
7 Structure of standard (elements) Professionnalisation Durable European MODEL It aims to define a common method to elaborate common certificates at a European level
9 Databases about qualification standards in each country The vocational certifications recognised as qualification indicators are registered in the RNCP and classified by a level grid and learning domains.
10 Institution responsible for EQF in each country Main categories of certification bodies: Ministries (Labor, Education, Health, Culture…) Representative bodies (Trade associations, Craft Chambers…) Private operators authorised to develop the RNCP according to the EQF framework