Update: Activities of ISOC-JP/IAjapan Feb 28 2006@Perth Toru Takahashi Vice President: Internet Association Japan President: Internet Society Japan Chapter toru@riis.jp
ISOC-JP Many Pioneer members in Japan INET92 Kobe Japan was the first ISOC annual meeting Ex BoT members from Japan: Aiso, Ishida, Goto, Murai, and Miki. Now nobody First chapter of ISOC from 1994 No activity in these 5 years Almost under/with IAjapan http://www.iajapan.org/ Will have new home page under IAjapan
IAjapan To promote and develop Internet Literacy Emphasize “Rules and Manners” Several Committees and WGs as: Policy, IPv6 Deployment, Ant-Spam, Net Cast, Security, Java, ..... 270 corporate members : President is Mr. Kanasugi, President of NEC about 30 Individual members Host ISOC-JP
History of IAjapan Internet Association of Japan (IAJ) formed in 1993 Dec. A first Internet organization in Japan IAJ became ISOC organization member in 1994 when ISOC-JP settled Founding member of APIA in 1997 Hosted INET 2000 Yokohama IAJ merged with ENC, and others in 2001 Became as Foundation having sanctions by two Ministries and changed the name to Internet Association Japan (IAjapan) in 2001 Execute “Rules and Manners” Examination from 2002
IETF Forum Japan Renewal of IETF reporting meeting which continued over 12 years To follow up IETF and related standardization body’s activities, including ITU-T, ISO, IEEE… Newly forming consortium by IAjapan, JPNIC, JPRS, INTAP, JANOG and so on To build national strategies for Internet technologies by Private Sectors To have consensus among AP region To collaborate with ISOC and IETF Will have 1st conference on April 27 in Tokyo Committee Chair will be Takahashi (general) and Hiroshi Esaki (program)
ABS Alliance of CJK internet Associations : Internet Association of China, Internet Association of Korea and IAjapan exchanged and signed MoU To develop broadband network and application in AP region From 2003, Asia Broadband Summit (ABS) every year one day conference with big event ABS 2005 was held within APRICOT2005 Kyoto ABS 2006 in Beijing, China, 30 August Jiang Ping Wu(ISC), Kilnam Chon(IAK), and Toru Takahashi(IAjapan) are co-chair Any national entity in AP region will be welcome
IAjapan is a member of ISOC APIA ABS APCAUCE APIRA (new) APAN JP(new) W3C IGTF-J INTEROP Tokyo 2006 management body with CMP 7-9 June 2006 at Makuhari http://www.interop.jp/