JST Basic Research Programs ( for Creating Innovation ) Osamu Ichimaru Director, Innovation Headquarters Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
About JST (Japan Science and Technology Agency) Independent Administrative Agency for implementing Japan's science and technology policy Mission: Promotion of Research and Developments (Funding to support all of the process from creation of knowledge, which leads to innovation in Japan, to the return of research results to the society) and Reinforcement of infrastructure in S&T to promote innovation
Total 111.2 (billion yen) FY2010 Promote R&D to lead Innovation Reinforcement of infrastructure to promote innovation Expenditures in FY 2010 (estimate) (billion yen) 1$ ~100JPY Total 111.2 (billion yen) FY2010 Promote R&D to lead Innovation
Total 111.2 (billion yen) FY2010 Promote R&D to lead Innovation Reinforcement of infrastructure to promote innovation Expenditures in FY 2010 (estimate) (billion yen) 1$ ~100JPY Total 111.2 (billion yen) FY2010 Creating advanced technology Promote R&D to lead Innovation
Top-down and Bottom-up basic research projects Bottom-up type Top-down type “Grants-in-aid for scientific research” (JSPS*, MEXT**) *Japan Society for the Promotion of Science ** Min. of Educ., Culture, Sports Sci. & Tech. “JST Basic Research Programs”(JST) National policy objectives (Science and Technology Basic Plan) Promote various types of academic work through research activities Set forth national strategic sectors Establish research areas and research supervisors Intensively promote research by mobilizing exceptional researchers to respond to desired research content, in order to achieve national policy objectives Support for academically distinguished, original, pioneering research Research proposal based on the free thought of individual researchers Creation of innovative technology seeds through research results
Roles of Basic Research Programs 1$ ~100JPY Curiosities Basic research to applied research originated from social/ industrial needs Applied R&D Mission-driven Grants-in-Aid ca. 2,000 M$ Curiosity-driven JST Industry-academia collaboration Energy / Environment JST Basic Research Programs Transportation/ Construction ca.500 M$ Therapy / Medicine JSPS, MEXT Agriculture / Marine Other industry-based researches Information Academia Firms Budget of FY 2010 Modified from “KAKENHI NEWS” 2008 Vol.1
Structure of JST Basic Research Programs Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology (MEXT) “Individual” Precursory Research for Embryonic S&T “Research Director” Exploratory Research for Advanced Tech. “Team” Core Research for Evolutional S&T Research Area Researcher Individual Application Research Supervisor Group Team Research Director PRESTO Designated by JST ERATO CREST Acceptance of proposals from the general public J S T Proposed by Research Director Strategic Sectors (FY 2007) “Search for Breakthrough by Mathematics (SBM )” “Alliance for Breakthrough between Mathematics and Sciences (ABMS)” Prof. Yasumasa NISHIURA
Outcomes of JST Basic Research Programs Generation of human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell Shinya Yamanaka Prof. Kyoto Univ. Discovery of third-category high-temperature superconductor (a compound containing Fe) Hideo Hosono Prof. , Tokyo Inst. of Tech. Adult skin fibroblast Human iPS cell LaFeAsO Transition temperature=32K(F-doped,11% substitution) Lanthanum La Oxgen O Iron Fe Arsenic As LaO layer FeAs Factors Induction of differentiation
Advancing the globalization and international development of our activities JST encourages international activities of JST Basic research programs, such as: International symposium International cooperative research Purpose : accelerate the progress of its research in cooperation with foreign research institutions and researchers, acquire the recognition of its research activities. For more information, please visit http://www.jst.go.jp/EN/ Thank you!