lesson 67 Another opinion(2)


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Presentation transcript:

lesson 67 Another opinion(2) 梁志明制作 http://alledu.126.com Senior English for China Students’ Book 2B Ready Lesson 67 Lead-in Reading Explain Life in the future: Another opinion(2) Discuss Grammar Practice Work next last return exit

lesson 67 Another opinion(2) 梁志明制作 http://alledu.126.com Step1 Lead-in About the pictures in the text book. 1.Do you think it’s necessary for the young lady to buy so many clothes? Ready Lead-in I don’t think it necessary to do so. Reading Explain 2.What do you think of the meal these people are having? Discuss 在初中化学中,我们学习过原子、分子、离子等构成物质的微观粒子,还学习了一些觉物质撞的化学反应。通过这些知识的学习,使我们认识到物质之间的化学反应,既是由肉眼不能看到的原子、分子或离子之间按一定数目关系进行的,又是以可称量的物质之间按一定的质量关系进行的。例如 Grammar It’s just ordinary. Practice Work next last return exit

lesson 67 Another opinion(2) 梁志明制作 http://alledu.126.com 1.What three things does the writer suggest in the text? Spend less money, look after your health better, use less engergy. Ready Lead-in 2.What’s wrong with new possessions. This is a waste of money,energy and materials,and also cause pollution. Reading Explain 3.How much energy does USA use? Discuss Grammar It uses 30% of the world’s energy. Practice 4.What percent of the world’s population Work 6% of the world’s population. next last return exit

lesson 67 Another opinion(2) 梁志明制作 http://alledu.126.com 1.new possessions that they do not need: Step3 Explaining For example, goods for the house, extra clothes, luxury goods, etc. Possession n. 所有,拥有,财产,所有物 Ready Possess v. :have Lead-in Reading Eg. Explain 1)The old man lost most of his possessions during the war Discuss Grammar 2)He never possessed much money, but he always possess Practice Work next last return exit

lesson 67 Another opinion(2) 梁志明制作 http://alledu.126.com 2.Many people ,both young and old, are against this expensive way of life. Step3 Explaining _2 =Many young and old people do not agree with this way of living. Ready 3.the basic needs of the world’s population should be satisfied. Lead-in =the basic needs should be provided for. Reading Our country satisfies the people’s needs first. Explain 4.waste v. n. adj. Discuss 1)The writer thought people wasted lots of money Grammar 2)His talk is just a waste of time. Practice 3)He wasted his money and time on( trying to helps )worthless people. Work next last return exit

lesson 67 Another opinion(2) 梁志明制作 Explaining 3 http://alledu.126.com 5.Possible…it is now. =At present some countries are much wealthier than others. It is possible that in future the wealth will be distributed more equally. Ready Lead-in Reading 6.Take health for example. Explain = Consider health for example. * Set an example to 为… 树立榜样 Discuss 1)The teacher took the sentences for example to tell the differences between the two words Grammar Practice 2)Lei Feng set a good example to all of us. Work next last return exit

lesson 67 Another opinion(2) 梁志明制作 http://alledu.126.com Step4 Discussion Say whether you think they will happen/will not happen, and give your reasons Ready 1.People will become healthier. Lead-in 2.The population of the world will become smaller. Reading Explain 3.Space travel will increase. Discuss 4.Computers will be used every where in China. Grammar 5.Sending messages by telegraph will be more popular. Practice Work next last return exit

lesson 67 Another opinion(2) 梁志明制作 http://alledu.126.com The Appositive Clause同位语从句 step5 The reason *why his voice sounded different *why he refused his request *that his uncle was dead *that computers will recognize our voices Was unknown. surprised us. was clear. made us sad. The idea The news Ready Lead-in Reading Explain Discuss Grammar Practice Work next last return exit

lesson 67 Another opinion(2) 梁志明制作 http://alledu.126.com Step5_2 The Appositive Clase同位语从句 2 I don’t agree with the opinion the idea the possibility *that space travell will be cheaper. *that nothing will change. *that computers will control our lives. will recognize our voices. I do like I can understand I can’t understand Ready Lead-in Reading Explain Discuss Grammar Practice Work next last return exit

lesson 67 Another opinion(2) 梁志明制作 Practice http://alledu.126.com 1.A message that the majority had voted for the plan/programme arrived just before ten. Ready 2.I didn’t receive the news that the meet was delayed/would be delayed. Lead-in 3.The fact that the transport of goods cost too much was not discussed. Reading Explain 4.The answer that the drawings had arrived by mail was good news. Discuss Grammar 5.The belief that the company will make a great effort is shared by everyone. Practice 6.There is no doubt that the prices of cars will go down. Work next last return exit

lesson 67 Another opinion(2) 梁志明制作 http://alledu.126.com Homework Page 96 Exercise 2 Ready Lead-in Reading Explain Discuss Grammar Practice Work next last return exit

lesson 67 Another opinion(2) 梁志明制作 结束放映 Ready Lead-in Good-bye Reading Explain Discuss Grammar Practice Work next last return exit