PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW (as at third quarter of 2016/17)
DEPARTMENT OF ARTS AND CULTURE SALB CONTINUES… 6/1/2018 DAC outcome oriented goal DAC Strategic Objective Entity strategic objectives and how it links to DAC objectives Key outputs/deliverables per objective for 2017/18 Goal 1: A transformed and productive ACH Sector To develop, protect and promote the cultural and creative sector. To develop, preserve, protect and promote heritage. To develop and promote official languages To build relationships and partnerships locally and internationally. To provide access to information. To register 3,265 new library members by March 2020 To establish 149 new Mini-libraries by March 2020 To catalogue 2,800 audio book titles and 2,180 braille book titles (inclusive of all official languages) To register 650 new library members To establish 30 new Mini-libraries. To catalogue 570 audio book titles and 440 braille book titles (inclusive of all official languages)
ALIGNMENT WITH DAC GOALS DEPARTMENT OF ARTS AND CULTURE ALIGNMENT WITH DAC GOALS 6/1/2018 DAC outcome oriented goal DAC Strategic Objective Entity strategic objectives and how it links to DAC objectives Key outputs/deliverables per objective for 2017/18 Goal 2: An integrated and inclusive society To lead, coordinate and implement social cohesion programme Produce 145 indigenous Braille titles by March 2020 To circulate 639,030 reading material items by March 2020. Produce 30 indigenous Braille titles To circulate 128,406 reading material items.
DEPARTMENT OF ARTS AND CULTURE SALB CONTINUES… 6/1/2018 DAC outcome oriented goal DAC Strategic Objective Entity strategic objectives and how it links to DAC objectives Key outputs/deliverables per objective for 2017/18 Goal 4: A professional and capacitated ACH Sector: To build human resource capacity and promote excellence To expand the library’s Human Resource base with the appointment of 10 new full time staff members. To engage and develop the skills of 20 blind and or visually impaired learners through an Apprenticeship Program by 2020. Appoint 1 new full time staff member. Engage 4 blind and or visually impaired learners in the Apprenticeship Program.
THREE YEAR PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW SALB 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 (3rd quarter) Achieved 74% 71% 83% Not achieved 26% 29% 17%
INCOME AND EXPENDITURE TRENDS SALB 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 ( cumulative as at 3rd quarter) R’000 Income 24 148 26 527 16 209 Government Grant 16 612 17 376 3 831 Own Income 7 536 9 151 741 Expenditure 21 392 18 800 Surplus/Deficit 2 756 - (2 591)
AUDIT OUTCOME SALB 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Audit Outcome Unqualified with findings
GOVERNANCE SALB 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 as at 3rd quarter Number of Board members 11 9 8 7 Number of Board meetings 4 3 1 Number of Board committee meetings 5 Attendance rate of Council meetings 64% 78% 65% 86% Number of Audit Committee meetings Number of Management meetings 2 Number of Staff meetings 10
CHALLENGES AND INTERVENTIONS INTERVENTIONS BY DAC Funding for the procurement and maintenance of the playback devices National Treasury has approved funding amounting to R1 036 000 as recommended by the Department. The Department further recommended that the entity compile a Business Plan relating to the playback devices to be forwarded to National Treasury to solicit annual allocation for the playback devices. Upgrade and refurbishment of the SALB building. The Department notes with regret the delay in upgrading and refurbishing the building. The DAC Infrastructure Committee delegated the Infrastructure Unit to engage the Library to address the concerns. Audit fees posing a challenge to the institution due to shortage of funds DAC through the CFO Forum is in continuous engagement with the National Treasury concerning this matter.
CHALLENGES AND INTERVENTIONS INTERVENTIONS BY SALB Scare skill relating to the braille and audio production. The Library developed an in-house training program for full-time employed braille and audio production staff. Knowledge is verified after a year through a formal test. The Library also developed training material for all braille and audio volunteers. Disciplinary Cases of an employee. Employee was formally charged for gross negligence and absenteeism.