Interstate 15 North Phase 4 Cost Estimates 09/03/2015
I-15 North Phase 4 – Cost Estimates Summary of Alternative 1 and 2 Costs I-15 NORTH PHASE 4 PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE ITEM ALTERNATIVE 1 ALTERNATIVE 2 ALT 1 - ALT 2 ROADWAY $ 22,008,300.00 $ 22,118,595.00 (110,295) STRUCTURES $ 69,896,655.00 $ 59,463,600.00 10,433,055 TRAFFIC $ 9,491,000.00 $ 9,435,000.00 56,000 UTILITIES $ 175,400.00 $ 585,650.00 (410,250) DRAINAGE $ 2,669,405.00 $ 2,968,380.00 (298,975) LANDSCAPE/AESTHETICS $ 3,127,223.00 $ 2,737,137.00 390,086 EROSION CONTROL $ 521,204.00 $ 472,857.00 48,347 MOBILIZATION $ 7,552,244.00 $ 6,851,686.00 700,558 SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION $ 107,889,187.00 $ 97,881,219.00 10,007,968 CONTINGENGY $ 21,577,837.40 $ 19,576,243.80 2,001,594 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $ 137,020,000.00 $ 124,310,000.00 12,710,000 RIGHT-OF-WAY COST $ 2,683,280.00 $ 2,132,960.00 550,320 TOTAL COST $ 139,703,280.00 $ 126,442,960.00 13,260,320
I-15 North Phase 4 – Cost Estimates Cost Estimation Wizard
I-15 North Phase 4 – Cost Estimates Discussion of Items of Work Clearing and Removals Retaining Walls Traffic Items Utilities Drainage
I-15 North Phase 4 – Cost Estimates Clearing and Removals: $2,000,000.00 Lump Sum (~1.5%) Existing Roadway - 665,000 sf Traffic Signals - 2 each Overhead Signs - 3 each Signage (ground mounted) Street Lights Barrier Rail Metal Beam Guardrail Curb Gutter and Sidewalk (Centennial Parkway) Driveway Connections (Range Road) Clearing and Grubbing Fencing and Misc.
I-15 North Phase 4 – Cost Estimates Retaining Walls – Unit Costs COST VS. HEIGHT SUMMARY Height (FT) Unit Cost 12 $24.00 15 $30.00 16 $32.00 20 $40.00 22 $48.00 34 $68.00 45 $90.00 53 $106.00 61 $122.00 65 $130.00
I-15 North Phase 4 – Cost Estimates Retaining Walls – Cost Break Out I-15 NORTH PHASE 4 - RETAINING WALLS LOCATION ALTERNATIVE 1 ALTERNATIVE 2 Alignment Description Length (ft) Hmax (ft) Area (SF) Unit Cost Cost "NW" (RT) Approach to UPRR Overcrossing 347 53 18391 $ 106.00 $ 1,949,446.00 318 16854 $ 1,786,524.00 Approach to Centennial Parkway crossing - 95 34 3230 $ 68.00 $ 219,640.00 "CP-R3" (LT) Past UPPR on 215EB 980 15 14700 $ 30.00 $ 441,000.00 "R1" (RT) UPRR to Tropical Pkwy. 1119 61 68259 $ 122.00 $ 8,327,598.00 1116 65 72540 $ 130.00 $ 9,430,200.00 "EN" (RT) CC215 east of UPRR 275 16 4400 $ 32.00 $ 140,800.00 Approach to one-way frontage Rd. 116 22 2552 $ 48.00 $ 122,496.00 "ES" (RT) 191 45 8595 $ 90.00 $ 773,550.00 "ES" (LT) Past one-way frontage Rd. 38 20 760 $ 40.00 $ 30,400.00 "SW" (LT) Approach to Tropical Pkwy crossing 80 12 960 $ 24.00 $ 23,040.00 "SW" (RT) Past Tropical Pkwy crossing 70 2380 $ 161,840.00 Total $ 11,344,290 $ 12,062,244
I-15 North Phase 4 – Cost Estimates Traffic Items Striping: Length in miles from Conceptual Plans Per mile cost based on estimated number of raised pavement markers and painted striping Signing: Estimated 10 Overhead Signs Traffic Signals: 4 “T” intersections at $350k each 2 Full intersections at $500k each Lighting: Estimated number high mast lights and street lights for each alternative. ITS: Minimum ITS improvements. Two changeable message signs on CC 215 and 4 CCTV Cameras for interchange. Traffic Control: 3 Year construction duration in low congestion area
I-15 North Phase 4 – Cost Estimates Utilities Items Utility relocation costs based on an evaluation of utility conflicts identified on the conceptual plans. I-15 North Phase 4 Alternative 2 Utility Relocation Cost Estimate Location Utility Quantity Unit of Measurement Unit Price Preliminary Cost CC215/Range Road Relocate 8" Water Line within CC215 and Centennial Parkway R/W 330 LF $150.00 $49,500.00 Relocate (2) 4" Electric within CC215 and Centennial Parkway R/W 220 $33,000.00 Relocate (2) 4" Telephone within CC215 and Centennial Parkway R/W Relocate 4" Gas within CC215 and Centennial Parkway R/W 325 $48,750.00 Relocate 24" Water Line within Centennial Parkway R/W 392 $500.00 $196,000.00 Relocate Fire Hydrant within Centennial Parkway R/W 1 EA $5,000.00 Relocate Fiber Optic within CC215 and Centennial Parkway R/W 250 $200.00 $50,000.00 I-15/CC215 Ramp Crossovers Upgrade 8" Sanitary sewer line steel encasement 832 $166,400.00 Military Road Adjust 48" SSMH to grade 2 $2,000.00 $4,000.00 TOTAL $585,650
I-15 North Phase 4 – Cost Estimates Drainage Items I-15 Phase-4 Drainage Conceptual Cost Estimates VTN 8/28/15 CKH MAJOR (OFFSITE) ALTERNATIVE 1 ALTERNATIVE 2 ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT PRICE QUANTITY SUBTOTAL MAJOR REMOVALS Removal of 6'x3' RCB LF $ 80.00 215 $ 17,200 Removal of 6'x4' RCB $ 100.00 150 $ 15,000 Removal of 10'x3' RCB $ 150.00 175 $ 26,250 Removal of 12'x4' RCB $ 200.00 350 $ 70,000 Removal of Quad 60" RCP Headwall EA $ 2,500.00 1 $ 2,500 Removal of 6'X3' RCB Headwall $ 1,000.00 4 $ 4,000 Removal of 10'X3' RCB Headwall $ 1,400.00 2 $ 2,800 Removal of 12'x4' RCB Headwall $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500 Removal of Double 12'x4' RCB Headwall $ 5,000 MAJOR STORM DRAIN 48" Type 1 Manhole $ 6,000.00 $ 12,000 $ 24,000 60" Type 2 Manhole $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500 3 $ 22,500 18-Inch RCP Storm Drain Pipe 30 $ 3,000 24-Inch RCP Storm Drain Pipe $ 120.00 70 $ 8,400 740 $ 88,800 36-Inch RCP Storm Drain Pipe $ 160.00 700 $ 112,000 955 $ 152,800 42-Inch RCP Storm Drain Pipe $ 230.00 450 $ 103,500 490 $ 112,700 60-Inch RCP Storm Drain Pipe $ 300.00 180 $ 54,000 470 $ 141,000 Rectangular Concrete Channel W=12', D=3.5' $ 475.00 1,000 $ 475,000 Class 150 Riprap Channel W=5', D=4.0', SS=3:1 $ 60.00 1,010 $ 60,600 1,050 $ 63,000 Class 300 Riprap Channel W=5', D=3.0', SS=3:1 100 500 $ 75,000 Earthen Channel W=5', D=3', SS=3:1 $ 15.00 475 $ 7,125 1,260 $ 18,900 Earthen Channel W=14', D=3', SS=3:1 $ 28.00 560 $ 15,680 - $ - Earthen Channel W=21', D=2.5', SS=3:1 $ 35.00 600 $ 21,000 6'x4' Reinforced Concrete Box $ 250.00 1,310 $ 327,500 1,520 $ 380,000 8'x4' Reinforced Concrete Box $ 380.00 290 $ 110,200 270 $ 102,600 12'x4' Recinforced Concrete Box $ 750.00 $ 112,500 24" RCP Headwall $ 850.00 6 $ 5,100 5 $ 4,250 36" RCP Headwall $ 1,475.00 10 $ 14,750 8 $ 11,800 42" RCP Headwall $ 2,290.00 $ 4,580 Quad 60" RCP Headwall $ 8,500.00 $ 8,500 6'x4' Type I RCB Headwall $ 2,960.00 $ 17,760 $ 11,840 8'x4' Type I RCB Headwall $ 3,250.00 $ 13,000 12'x4' Type I RCB Headwall $ 3,800.00 $ 3,800 Double 12'x4' Type I RCB Headwall $ 5,480.00 $ 10,960 Class 300 Riprap Apron 15 $ 2,000 $ 1,646,705 $ 2,005,780 Detailed cost estimate prepared for both alternatives.
I-15 North Phase 4 – Cost Estimates Right-of-way Costs Bureau of Land Management Environmental Assessment and Administrative Costs Alternative 1: $50,000.00 (76,327 SF) Alternative 2: $20,000.00 (444 SF) State of Nevada (National Guard) Administrative costs to transfer ownership between state agencies Alternative 1: $20,000.00 (21,377 SF) Alternative 2: $20,000.00 (4,045 SF) Private Properties Alternative 1: 65,332 SF, 5 owners Alternative 2: 52,324 SF, 3 owners Estimated $40.00/SF cost includes administrative and appraisal costs
I-15 North Phase 4 – Cost Estimates Questions?
Project Contact & Questions? NDOT Project Management Division: Assistant Chief – Lynnette Russell Email – Phone – 702-671-6601 Project Manager – Dwayne Wilkinson Email – Phone – 702-671-8879