West Chester Borough Master Parking Plan Framework September 12, 2017
Residential Permit Parking Problem: 14 RPP Zones Confusing for Residents and Visitors Difficult to Manage/Enforce Solution: 5 to 7 RPP Zones Modify time restrictions for consistency and ease of enforcement Implement separate RPP areas within two blocks of TC and WCU Begin permit sales before September to accomodate WCU students Color code signage per zone Change unrestricted streets in middle of RPP areas to RPP streets Education/marketing for effective change
Residential Guest Pass Problem: Reported Abuse Move car to avoid 5 day expiration Difficult to track usage and enforce Approximately 2,300 issued Solution: Three Guest Pass Options Option 1: RFID Technology in Hangtags Option 2: Virtual Permit based on License Plate Option 3: Single Use Permits (i.e. place on dashboard) Type of technology impacts cost structure (i.e. annual or per use) Limit usage by consecutive days or days per year (i.e. 3 days in a row or 50 days per year) Eliminate 2 block parking radius requirement Develop alternative parking option for displaced parkers
WCU Storage Parking Problem: Where do students park displaced by guest permit changes? 1,100 spaces on South Campus, 40% utilized Solution: Student Storage Parking on WCU South Campus Help reduce warehousing and guest permit abuse Revenue source for WCU Logistical Issues: Commons Project Transit Service Improvements Football game and event parking
Warehousing Vehicles on Streets Problem: Residential Streets used for Warehousing Vehicles Complaints by residents they can’t park on their street Solution: Resident Parking Permit Program Require residents to apply for RPP Only limit parking during evening (i.e. 12 AM to 2 AM) How many days to restrict parking (i.e. 5, 6, 7 days)? Should time restriction coincide with other RPP areas?
Business Community Concerns Problem: Parking Deters Patrons to Town Center Parking is too costly Inadequate short-term parking Solution: Improve Parking Conditions Improve existing validation program in garages Offer discounted validations to WC BID Advertise businesses in garages offering validation Short term parking (i.e. 2 hours) on lower levels of garages Discounted or free short term parking in garages on weekends Improve wayfinding signage outside garages Increased hourly rate structure on-street based on time parked (i.e. $1 for 1st hour, $2 for 2nd hour, $3 for 3rd hour)
Increasing Parking Capacity Problem: Parking System Operating at Capacity Shortage during weekday morning/afternoon Causes frustration, deters patrons and limits economic development Solution: Increase Public Parking Capacity Construct parking facility Off-site parking with shuttle service Shared parking with private parking facilities in TC Public-Private Partnership
Parking Zoning Problem: Zoning Restrictions Limit Parking Capacity in Residences Impervious ground restrictions No stacking vehicles off-street at residences Solution: Modify Zoning Restrictions Increase impervious ground area for residences Allow vehicles to be stacked at off-street residential parking
Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Problem: Minimal Use of Alternative Modes of Transportation to TC Poor bicycle conditions No effective transit service Solution: Improve Alternative Modes Infrastructure Add bike lanes Bike share station in TC like at WCU Implement circulator bus Transit service from WCU campus to TC and region Close Gay Street on weekends
QUESTIONS? September 13, 2017