Homework questions How does ACTFL define an intermediate level learner? (p.90) In terms of syllabus design, how can teachers help intermediate learners? (pp.90-96) What are the three principles for teaching speaking to intermediate learners? (pp.96-98) What are four tasks and materials for intermediate learners? (pp.98-109) What is vital for assessment procedures used for intermediate learners? (p.113)
Intermediate level learners (ACTFL)
Syllabus design – help intermediate level learners Build vocabularies, improve grammar, extend the range of speech acts (functions), further develop pronunciation, and increase communicative confidence
Principles for teaching speaking to intermediate level learners Plan tasks that involve negotiation for meaning Design both transactional (getting something done > predictable) and interactional (communicating for social purposes > unpredictable) speaking activities Personalize the content of speaking activities whenever possible (i.e. make activities match the learners’ own circumstances, interests, and goals > connect what is done in the classroom with their lives outside of it)
Tasks and materials for intermediate level learners Role-plays Picture-based activities Logic puzzles Information gap and jigsaw activities
Six tasks and materials for beginning learners Controlled conversations (controlled > semi > free) and interviews Information gap and jigsaw activities Scripted dialogues, drama, and role-play (prepare > practice > present) Logic puzzles Picture-based activities Physical actions (TPR > Total Physical Response)
Vital for assessment procedures for intermediate level learners They need to be reliable and valid, and provide teachers with useful information for making decisions
Additional (reflection) questions Think back to when you were an intermediate level learner in English. What things were easy to do? What were difficult? What were some of the most helpful ways to develop your English language proficiency at this stage? What tasks, activities and/or lessons do you remember enjoying the most? Which didn’t seem very helpful or important? Have you or will you teach students in the same way that you were taught? Why or why not? What information in the chapter will be the most beneficial to you in the classroom? Can you make any connections to between teaching speaking and teaching listening (based on your experience and what you learned in the first part of the course)?
Experience, interest, and use Have you ever had any experience using this task? What do you like or dislike about it? How would you adapt/change/modify it for your current or future students? [*For last week: controlled conversations and information gaps]
Pictures: “Milk it” (get the most out of something) [Accuracy] Identify the language that is represented by the pictures [Accuracy] Use different verb tenses to describe the pictures (e.g. present continuous, past simple, future simple, etc.) [Accuracy] Add descriptions with adjectives and adverbs (twelve tenses) [Accuracy] Use alternative words and expressions [Accuracy] Make questions and negative statements [Accuracy] Do actions as you talk about the pictures [Fluency] Create conversations/dialogues or stories using the picture(s) – or do a role-play [Fluency] Personalize by asking and answering questions about the pictures