WHO ARE WE The IMAGINE Network is investigating the interactions between inflammation, microbiome, diet and mental health in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). OUR MISSION Transform the management of IBD and IBS and associated mental health issues with these disorders.
Hypothesis Summary Microbiome Diet Inflammation IBS, IBD and Associated Psychiatric Diseases Hypothesis Summary
IMAGINE | Summary of the Research Studies ETHICS APPROVED PARTICIPANT RECRUITMENT PARTICIPANT FOLLOW UP 1 2 3 4 5 Study 1 Microbiome Changes in IBD and IBS Study 2 FMT in UC Study 3 FMT in CD Study 4 Advanced Mucosal Imaging Study 5 Cognitive Behavioral therapy for depression/anxiety in IBD Study 6 Low FODMAPS diet in IBS Study 7 B. longum in IBS
Thank you Funding Partners| & Other Supporters Canadian Association of Gastroenterologists Canadian Digestive Health Foundation Canadian Network of Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) Canadian Biomarker Integration Network in Depression Canadian Gastro-Intestinal Epidemiology Consortium (CanGIEC) IBD Genomic Medicine Consortium (iGenoMed) Genetics, Environmental and Microbial (GEM) project PaCER Maternofetal outcomes research –Canadian Registry in IBD (MORe CaRe IBD) Canadian Children Inflammatory Bowel Disease Network (CIDsCaNN) Canadian Child Health Clinician Scientist Program (CCHCSP)
www.imaginespor.com @IMAGINESPOR @IMAGINE_SPOR