Why wood floors
Carpet, stone, wood floor why wood floor? Common hotel room (Fussboden Sigmund)
Carpet, stone, wood floor why wood floor? Living room with salte (Schiefer)
Carpet, stone, wood floor why wood floor? Relax, on a walnut (Walnuss) wood floor, of course
Why Wood Floors? comparison of characteristics Carpet Stone Wood Floor Surface Temperature Acoustics Not Shock Sensitive Cleaning Hygienics Not Sensitive to Water Wet Rooms Designs Lifetime Value
Why Wood Floors? comparison of characteristics Carpet Stone Wood Floor Surface Temperature Acoustics Not Shock Sensitive Cleaning Hygienics Not Sensitive to Water Wet Rooms Designs Lifetime Value
wood just unique! Wood is the only raw material that is at the same time: renewable biodegradable recyclable durable versatile energy efficient extremely beautiful