supporting ROMe with Earth Observation ROMEO supporting ROMe with Earth Observation ESA - ESRIN Frascati, 10 November 2009 Giorgio Antonino Licciardi
Service Specifications The ROMEO service provides two type of information on Rome territory for a selected user (Province of Rome Local Authority): Maps of new buildings. Maps of burned areas.
Service Specifications The user can select the specific region where he is interested in detecting the fire scars and/or new urban areas. The user can select a year of interest in detecting the fire scars and/or new urban areas. Most of the work for the production of the maps will be made off line using a neural network algorithm. The service provide change maps starting from year 2000, with a temporal resolution of 1 year. The spatial resolution for fire scars is 30 meters (Landsat). The spatial resolution for new buildings is up to 1 meter (Orthophotos).
Burned Areas Maps The maps of burned areas was made using a neural network algorithm applied on a landsat image 6 bands. NDVI. Multiple updates per year.
Burned Areas Maps The maps of burned areas was made using a neural network algorithm applied on a landsat image. Burned areas Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 Band 5 Band 7 NDVI
Burned Areas Maps The maps of burned areas was made using a neural network algorithm applied on a landsat image.
Burned Areas Maps The maps of burned areas was made using a neural network algorithm applied on a landsat image.
New Buildings Maps To detect the new buildings, a comparison between two soil sealing maps, obtained by the use of a neural network algorithm applied on a landsat image, was used. Sealed surfaces Unsealed surfaces Water surfaces Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 Band 5 Band 7
New Buildings Maps Soil sealing maps obtained for years 2000 and 2003 Rome Province 2000 Rome Province 2003
New Buildings Maps New buildings detection 2000 2003
New Buildings Maps The sealing maps need to be refined by human interaction using hortophotos, to idintify the buildings not detected by the NN algorithm. 2000 2003
New Buildings and Fire Scars For each year, two different multi-polygon shapefiles are produced, each polygon has the following information: Type of surface (New building / fire scar) Year Month Perimeter Area
ESA services portal server Service Integration Integration of the service process inside the SSE environment: GEO-K server Client ESA services portal server Toolbox 7.0 Apache Tomcat Web Server (WMS - IIS) GEO-K database
GEO-K Web Features Server (WFS) Service Integration The main requirements for the Web Feature Service are: 1. The interfaces is defined in XML. 2. GML is used to express features within the interface. 3. The datastore used to store geographic features is opaque to client applications and their only view of the data is through the WFS interface. Client via SSE Portal GEO-K Web Features Server (WFS)
Service Access Request Service Description Service Access Request
Service Description Select type of map (buildings, fire scars, both) Select the years of interest Select a maximum/minimum area or perimeter of the polygons Draw an area of interest Download the selected features of one layer or both, in shapefile format Export in KML, GeoTIFF, PDF
Final comments Experience with SSE: The system is suitable for providing this kind of services Good system stability Extend the accessibility to other Web Browsers. Documentation should be updated. Expectations: Extend the service from a test area to the whole province of Rome. Offer the service to new local Administrations
GEO-K Via Del Politecnico, 1 00133 Rome phone +39 GEO-K Via Del Politecnico, 1 00133 Rome phone +39. 06 72597734 email: