General process for RGCS White Paper VISION Teaser January 2015-April 2016 Version Alpha of RGCS White Paper Feedbacks about WP Alpha Identification (based on memos of ours events ) of a first set of 22 CONTROVERSIES and four key topics April 2016-July 2016 Version Beta of RGCS White Paper Final version (Omega) of our White Paper Specific workshops in Paris, London and Montreal Final set of controversies and RECOMMANDATIONS September-November 2016 Version Omega of White Paper
RGCS White Paper version Alpha Both a vision and a teaser ; Several key issues: return of communities, growing convergence between managerial (e.g. entrepreneurial and innovative) and political agencies, new possible role of collaborative communities in the regulation of organizations and the city; The idea: to start and focus a debate, get feedbacks through our events (seminars and workshops), email, blog, site and Stampel groups; Period of the process: January 2015-April 2016 Date of publication: April 2016
RGCS White Paper version Beta Intermediary version ; Not a revision of the Alpha version ; Focus: identification by the coordinators of a first set of controversies (22) related to four key topics about collaborative communities, collaborative movements and future of work (see next slide); Period: January 2015-July 2016 (42 seminars and workshops in Paris, London, Montreal, Lyon, Grenoble, Barcelona and Berlin) Date of publication (among coordinators, no public diffusion): September 2016
Topics covered by RGCS WP version Beta TOPIC 1: SPACE, PLACE AND TERRITORIES Their role in collaborative communities and collaborative movements in and between the cities TOPIC 2: EDUCATION How it is transformed by collaborative communities in the city TOPIC 3: BUSINESS MODELS AND COMMUNICATION Business models of collaborative spaces, their communication and legitimacy TOPIC 4: INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Collaborative communities and their role in innovation and entrepreneurial processes in the city.
RGCS White Paper version Omega (Final version) Objective: extending, discussing, refining the first set of controversies and recommandations identified in the previous phase. Raising questions, putting things into perspective more than suggesting ‘solutions’. Nine specific workshops in Paris, London and Montreal (between October and November 2016); Coordinated by: Anna Glaser and Fabrice Periac (topic 1), Aurore Dandoy and Caroline Scotto (topic 2), Stefan Haefliger and François-Xavier de Vaujany (topic 3), Viviane Sergi and Annie Camus (topic 4). Period: September-November 2016 Date of publication: December 2016