DO NOW: 1. Grab a green book 2 DO NOW: 1. Grab a green book 2. Read page 504 and answer questions # 1 and #2.
DO NOW: 1. Grab a piece of paper from the supply table 2 DO NOW: 1. Grab a piece of paper from the supply table 2. Fold the paper into 4 boxes 3. Title the boxes, Nervous system, Neurons, CNS, PNS
What is the role of the nervous system? *Functions of the nervous system (3) pg 505 Neurons Draw a picture of a nerve How does having both dendrites and an axon help a neuron function? Pg 507 Central Nervous system pg509-510 How does the central nervous system work? What are the components of the CNS? Draw a picture representing the CNS Peripheral Nervous system pg 511 How does the Peripheral nervous system work? What are the components of the PNS? Describe somatic and autonomic systems.
Worksheet –Graphic organizer AND #6-11 Agenda Quiz-endocrine and excretory Interactive Map of brain Functions Quizizz Objective I can describe the functions of the nervous system. Fill out your tracker sheet with the appropriate homework Homework Worksheet –Graphic organizer AND #6-11 Study for quiz today!!!
Respect- (2 points) Being Argumentative No Put downs No Using profanity No Touching No Destroying property No Stealing No inappropriate clothing, hats, hoodies Electronics.- (1 point) No headphones w/o permission No cell phones NO PERSONAL ELCTRONICS PERIOD. NON NEGOTIABLE RULES Stay in assigned seat (3 points) Sitting In your assigned seat when the bell rings Bell Work- (2 points) Bell work complete in time given On Task- (5 points) Sitting in your seat Appropriate noise Prepared (supplies)
Take out notes from yesterday and sit on desk. Agenda Mini Lab PNS vs CNS Model of a neuron Objective I can describe the functions of the nervous system. Fill out your tracker sheet with the appropriate homework Homework None! Take out notes from yesterday and sit on desk.
Nervous System Notes
Functions of the nervous system:
Receives information from inside & outside the body.
Controls & directs body’s functions & responses.
Helps maintain homeostasis.
What is homeostasis??? When everything in your body is in balance.
Divided into two parts: Peripheral Body nerves Central NS Brain Spinal cord NW
Peripheral NS Somatic NS- carries messages between brain & body to control voluntary muscles Autonomic NS- Controls organs & involuntary muscles
CNS: Spinal Cord Bundle of nerves that runs down the spine to carry messages between the brain and the rest of the body.
CNS: Nerve Cells (Neurons) Basic functioning units of the nervous system that carry messages called impulses.
Coordinates body activities CNS: The Brain Coordinates body activities Made up of approximately 100 billion neurons NW
A Neuron (Nerve Cell) AXON DENDRITES CELL BODY AXON TIPS Neurons carry information through the nervous system. There are BILLIONS of neurons in your body. They are constantly sending/receiving messages. The message that a neuron carries is a nerve impulse.
Direction message travels A Neuron (Nerve Cell) AXON DENDRITES CELL BODY AXON TIPS Direction message travels AXON – carries the messages down to the AXON TIPS, which sends the message to the next neuron. DENDRITES – receive messages and sends them toward CELL BODY (contains a nucleus).
The Synapse An impulse travels down the axon to the axon tips where it either travels to another neuron or to a muscle or gland to carry out a response. The junction where one neuron can transfer an impulse to another structure is called a synapse.
Kinds of Neurons.. AXON CELL BODY DENDRITES AXON TIPS Three kinds of neurons are found in the body: Sensory neurons pick up stimuli from the outside or inside environment and converts each stimulus into a nerve impulse. Inter-neurons carry nerve impulses from one neuron to another. Motor Neurons send an impulse to a muscle or gland, and the muscle or gland reacts in response.
What happens in your nervous system when you are stung by a bee? Let’s act it out…. AXON DENDRITES CELL BODY AXON TIPS What happens in your nervous system when you are stung by a bee?
Create a venn diagram comparing and contrasting the peripheral and Central nervous systems. HINT: What does it do? Who does it communicate with? What are the components?
Pick up a computer Go to Agenda Dojo registration-Blazerbuck bank Outline (skeletal, muscular,nervous) 3 parts of the brain Objective I can describe the relationship between the nervous, skeletal, and muscular system. Fill out your tracker sheet with the appropriate homework Homework Study for test FRIDAY Pick up a computer Go to
Complete the outline of how the nervous, muscular, and skeletal system work together Page:
Log on to computer Go to Code: 3 major parts of brain Agenda 3 major parts of brain Labeling neurons/brain Partner study Objective I can describe the 3 major parts of the brain. Fill out your tracker sheet with the appropriate homework Homework Study for test Friday! Log on to computer Go to Code:
Color The Brain Color the cerebrum purple Color the cerebellum green Divided into 3 major parts- Color the cerebrum purple Color the cerebellum green brain stem orange
The Brain Divided into 3 major parts- cerebrum cerebellum brain stem
Cerebrum (Cerebral Cortex) Coordinates Thinking & learning Creativity Five senses Memory & emotion Problem-solving Decisions Language & communication Body movements
Cerebellum Coordinates: Senses with other areas of the brain Most voluntary muscle movements Helps maintain balance & muscle tone
Brain Stem Connects brain to spinal cord Coordinates: (involuntary actions) Heartbeat Breathing Digestion Swallowing Blinking
FYI: Huntington’s disease Inherited genetic disease that causes the nerve cells in the brain to waste away.
FYI: Parkinson’s disease Degenerative disease that affects the neurons that control muscle movement.
FYI: Alzheimer’s disease Degenerative disease that affects the areas of the brain that control thought, memory & language.
FYI: Epilepsy Occurs when a cluster of neurons send out the wrong signals and results in seizures.
FYI: Meningitis Inflammation of the tissue that surrounds the brain & spinal cord can be caused by a bacteria or virus.