IHE Radiology Webinar IHE-Japan National Extensions July 25th, 2016


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Presentation transcript:

IHE Radiology Webinar IHE-Japan National Extensions July 25th, 2016

Why National Extensions in IHE? “National extensions … address specific local healthcare needs and promote the implementation of the IHE Technical Frameworks.” “They may add (though not relax) requirements ...” so Supporting the international Technical Framework is always step 1 Supporting a NEX doesn’t make you incompatible with the international TF NEX appear in a TF Volume in each domain (e.g. IHE Radiology TF-4) Examples: Require support of character sets and national languages Provide translation of IHE concepts or data fields from English into other national languages Changes to institutional information and financial transactions to conform to national health system payment structures and support specific local care practices

Focus of IHE-Japan NEX IHE Radiology Scheduled Workflow (SWF.b) – HL7 v2.5.1 Actors affected: ADTs, Order Placers, Order Fillers, Image Manager/Archives Types of changes: Support for Japanese characters. Support for Japanese name, address and phone number structures Additional HL7 Segment construction guidance Support for certain national codesets (for radiology procedures, pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical units, patient observations) Support for Japanese admission types, priorities and parent-child order structures See the Examples Annex 11 pages of specifications, 11 pages of examples

Example of IHE-Japan NEX 4.X.3.2 PID Segment Usage All senders and receivers of HL7 transactions: • should put the legal name in PID-5 • shall include the name written in Katakana. • shall support the name written also in Kanji • should support the name written also in Roman Alphabet • shall support the Katakana, Kanji, and alphabet appearing in any order. • shall not use PID-9 (Patient Alias) • shall provide component 8 of PID-11 <Other Geographic Designation> for Patient Address • should not use components 1, 2, 3 or 4 of PID-11 for patient address (they do not have appropriate structure/semantics for Japanese addresses)

Logistics IHE-J NEX available now as separate document; will be incorporated into IHE Radiology TF Volume 4 on www.ihe.net in coming weeks Resulted in Change Proposals (CPs) to SWF.b in general (quality improvement) IHE-J Connectathon will test these requirements Sept 13-17, 2016, Asakusa, Tokyo Registration is currently closed, but will reopen in April 2017 for 2017 Connectathon About 45 companies and 70 systems are attending normally The Japanese market is extensive (National Population: 120mil) Tokyo region ≈ state of California
