Welcome to Class R’s Class Assembly.
We have been finding out about the differences between old bears and new bears. Old bears feel hard and are filled with sawdust. New bears feel soft and they can go in the washing machine when they get dirty.
Old teddy bears have humps on their backs and very long arms. Very old bears were made to look like real bears. Some even made growling noises. Old teddy bears have humps on their backs and very long arms.
Some bears belong to our parents .
We made a timeline to show the different ages of our bears.
Can you see our old bears and our new bears?
We have enjoyed reading stories to our bears.
Nathan read a bear story to his gigantic bear.
We drew pictures of our bears and looked carefully at the shapes.
Goldilocks sent us a letter asking for our help to say sorry.
We used our bears to help us with our problem solving.
Look where we found our bears hiding!
The Bear went over the mountain.
We chose different instruments to represent the bears.
We read and then acted out the story of Goldilocks and the three bears.
We had great fun!
We saw a Red Panda at the Zoo
Red Pandas .