Welcome to English Language A Level By the end of this course you will: Appreciate the contribution of English language to the understanding of the wider world. Develop analytical and evaluative skills. Use an enquiring, critical and thoughtful approach to the study of the English language in a huge range of texts, including text messages, Facebook, articles and adverts.
English Language A Level The themes you will study... Example Topics: In Year 12 Theme 1: Textual variations and representations How texts use language and presentational devices to create a certain image of a writer or organisation. Theme 2: Children’s language development (0-11 years) Analysis of how children learn to read, write or talk, using real data. In Year 13 Theme 3: Language diversity and change How the language of advertising changes over time; how men and women use language differently. Theme 4: Language in action (non-exam assessment) The language of celebrities and sports personalities; language used in Disney films; language of dictators throughout history. Please see above logos for all other exam boards to personalise for your course
English Language A Level: Assessment Exam board: Assessment: Percentage: Detail: Examination 80% Two exams sat at the end of Year 13. Paper 1: 2 hrs 30 mins (40%) Paper 2: 2 hrs 30 mins (40%) Coursework 20% Language in Action: Investigation and creative writing. Please see above logos for all other exam boards to personalise for your course
English Language A Level Requirements Course requirements General College entry requirements; at least a grade 6 in English Language and English Literature at GCSE. Which skills are needed? Essay writing skills Application skills to relate real world texts to linguistic theory The ability to closely analyse details and patterns in texts using a wide range of linguistic terminology Numerical and non-numerical data analysis skills Expectations and workload Three internal formal assessments completed per academic year Two to three homework assignments completed per week (essays, creative writing, research or analysis of texts) Two informal assessments per half term High level of independent reading to support classroom learning An intrinsic interest in how the English language works
English Language A Level Further information 2015/6 Course Performance The English Language course was new at Toot Hill last year. 50% of students achieved a grade A-C at AS level. Course enrichment: Opportunity to visit the English Language conference in London. Opportunity to visit a court to see language and power in action. 2016/7 Example student destination(s) Sports Journalism, University of Brighton English Language, University of Newcastle Department contact details Ms Catherine Mitchell cmitchell@toothillschool.co.uk 01949 875550
Why GCE English Language? Allows you to use your creative skills in the examination and coursework. Also allows you to focus on areas of interest to you. Gives a solid foundation for students wishing to study English Language or Linguistics at a higher level. Opens doors to a wide range of employment opportunities. Please choose ONE key reason why you think students would enjoy, or be successful, on this course…