Lyme’s Disease By: Cory Burr What I already knew/what I want to know My search results What I learned Works Cited My growth as researcher Story of my Search
What I already knew What I want to know Bulls eye shaped rash. Headaches Fatigue Carried by a tick. Could be treated by antibiotics. Does Lyme’s disease ever go away? How can Lyme’s disease be avoided? What other symptoms does Lyme’s disease have? How can Lyme’s disease be treated? (besides by antibiotics) How fatal is Lyme’s disease?
Story of my search When I first started my research I was lost and confused and didn’t understand how to use delicious, power library, EBSCOhost, or the MLA format very well. But, as class went on I understood how to use these better.
My search results While researching I learned how to get articles off of power library and how to tag them on my delicious page. I am also beginning to understand the MLA format better.
My growth as a researcher I believe that I have grew as a researcher because I was able to successfully get information from power library and EBSCOhost. I feel like I have grown because at first I didn’t understand what I was doing very well but now I do.
What I Really Learned Use bug repellent containing DEET and avoid going into tall grass to avoid getting bitten by ticks. I learned that there is short term and long term symptoms to Lyme’s disease. Some short term symptoms consists of headaches and a fever and sometimes a bulls-eye shaped rash. Some late symptoms consist of fatigue, sore/swollen joints, or forgetfulness. Lyme’s disease can be treated by taking certain vitamins. The rash can be treated by Doxycycline or Amoxicillin. Lyme’s disease sometimes results in death but is very rare.
Works Cited Jozefowicz, Chris. "Life With Lyme." Current Health 2 35.8 (2009): 12-15. Science Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson). Web. 22 Mar. 2012. Newton, David, Olendorf, Donna, Jryan, Christine, Boyden, Karen. SICK!. Vol.3. Detroit, Michigan: UXL, 2000. Print Ertel, Starr-Hope1,, Randall S.1 Nelson, and Matthew L.1 Cartter. "Effect Of Surveillance Method On Reported Characteristics Of Lyme Disease, Connecticut, 1996-2007." Emerging Infectious Diseases 18.2 (2012): 242-247. Science Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson). Web. 22 Mar. 2012