Welcome to January PSCC Please help yourself to food!!!
Career and Technology Education (CTE) Tours Ms. darcy tyhonas and Ms. Jackie Pfeiffer and CTE department teachers
CTE Presentation Ms. darcy tyhonas and Ms. Jackie Pfeiffer and CTE department teachers
EFA Ms. Moye and Ms. White
Crisis Response
Crisis Team Structure
Administration Building Crisis Command Team Members Crisis Response Teams Administration Building Crisis Command Team Members Team Leader Lynne Casselberry Alternate Team Leader Melanie Wittman Logistics Leader Scott Gutowski Communications Leader Susan Chersky Communications Liaison Ebony Pugh Team Captain Dr. Anthony Hamlet Team Captain Anthony Anderson
Site Command Team Members Crisis Response Teams Site Command Team Members Team Leader David May-Stein Alternate Team Leader Ron Joseph Logistics Leader Ed Reinhardt Communications Leader Alin McIver Communications Liaison Rae Ann Green
Evacuation Site Command Team Members Crisis Response Teams Evacuation Site Command Team Members Team Leader Dara Ware-Allen Alternate Team Leader John O’Connell Logistics Leader Shana Nelson Communications Leader James Doyle Communications Liaison Rachel Beers
What is lockdown?
Types of Lockdowns Secured Schools (Standard): All exterior doors are closed and locked. All visitors show ID upon entering building. Modified Lockdown: All exterior doors are closed and locked. Interior doors are closed. Entrance only granted for pre-scheduled appointments. No outside activity (recess, field trips, etc.). Full Lockdown: All exterior doors are closed and locked. All classroom doors are closed and locked. Lights are shut off, blinds are pulled, and everyone is moved away from the windows and doors. No outside activities.
Lockdown Scenario: School Safety is contacted by city police… City Police: “We have a report of shots fired near Pittsburgh Science and Technology Academy.” What happens next?
Crisis Communication
Crisis Communication Stakeholder Communications District website: http://www.pps.k12.pa.us/safety Parent Handbook Social Media Local TV Stations
Continued Safety Progress
Continued Safety Progress School Safety Drills ALICE Training Additions to School Handbooks
PTO Announcements Ms. Tracy Link
Please complete your surveys and leave them by the door on the way out Drive safe!!!!